
Chapter 5: Trapped

Rito woke up and yawned. He looked outside. It was still raining, but there was no wind or lightning. He got up and dressed. Oshizu noticed him getting up and looked at him.

"Be careful on the way home,  Rito." She told him. Rito ran as fast as he could through the rain. He had no coat, no umbrella, not even a jacket. He almost slipped a few times on the way home. When he got home and walked in the door, Lala came up to him and smacked him.

"Ow. What the hell was that for, Lala?" Rito asked, rubbing his cheek. He had been smacked plenty of times, but never by Lala.

"What  the hell were you doing out in the rain with no protection?" She shot back. Tears were welling up in her eyes and her face was red.

"L-Lala, are you ok?" He asked with concern. The tears in her eyes began falling as she rushed into his arms.

"I was so worried about you, you idiot." She choked. He put his arms around her and caressed her hair as she cried.

"I'm sorry for worrying you, Lala." He said.

"Well  never do it again." She said, burring her face into his chest. He lifted her face off of is chest and pulled her into a quick, tender kiss. Lala looked him in the eyes and smiled a bit. They went up to  Rito's room and he began to take off his wet clothes. Lala gave him a  wolf whistle just to tease him. He blushed slightly and put on some dry clothes. "Rito, we need to talk real quick," Lala said.

"About what?" Rito asked.

"We can't let Zastin or my dad find out." She said. "Especially not my dad!"

"What's going on?" He asked. "Why can't they find out?"

"Zastin just shouldn't find out till later, but my dad can NEVER  find out, understand?" She said. Rito gulped and nodded. Lala's serious face became nervous all of a sudden. "Rito..." She began. She looked around to see if anyone was listening. "I'm pregnant." A few seconds after those words left her lips, Rito fainted.

When Rito came to, he was on the couch in the den.

"Are you ok, Rito?" Lala asked him.

"Yeah." He said. "I just had a weird dream."

"Oh. If you're talking about me being pregnant, then it wasn't a dream." She said nervously.

"Oh god no." He said franticly. "This can't be happening." He had gotten up and started to pace around.

"What's  wrong, Rito?" Mikan asked as she walked in the room. Rito just kept pacing back and forth, mumbling to himself. She looked at Lala.

"Oh. I think he's worried because I'm pregnant." She said.

"YOU'RE PR-" Mikan was cut off by Lala putting her hand over her mouth.

"We can't let Zastin know yet and we can never let my father find out,"  Lala told her. She let go of her and Mikan turned around and looked at  Lala. Her eyes were shinning.

"That's good news for you, Lala," Mikan said. "Are we going to tell your sisters?"

"When they are both awake, yeah," Lala said. She looked over at Rito, who was still pacing about. She walked up behind him and wrapped her arms around him, snapping him out of his senses. "Rito, I'm scared." She said. He turned around and put his arms around her.

"I'm right here with you." He said.

"Thanks,"  Lala said, tightening her grip around him. Mikan went back into the kitchen to finish making breakfast. After about 5 minutes, they let go of each other and went into the kitchen for breakfast. Rito finished his in a hurry and went upstairs to his room, not noticing Nana or Momo. He stayed in his room for about 10 minutes, thinking. Suddenly, Nana came bursting through the door and put him in a headlock.

"What the  hell were you thinking, doing that to our sister!" She growled in his ear. "Oh no!" She let go of him. She was remembering what happened the other day. "Why the hell did I have sex with you that day?" She asked herself.

"Oh, so that's what you did while we were gone?" Momo said coming in.

"But why?" She asked. "Why did I act that way with him?"

"That's easy," Lala said coming in. "You like him but deny it. By staying close  to him for an extended period of time those bottled up feelings  re-emerged as lust, causing you to act like that." Nana looked at Lala in confusion. "Also, our species tend to act that way when we're alone with someone of the opposite gender," Lala added. "It's just instinct.  Nana, Momo, please leave. I would like to talk to Rito, alone." Nana and  Momo obeyed and left. "Sorry, Rito. I meant to tell you earlier, but-"  Lala began.

"No, it's not your fault. I'm the one who should be  sorry." Rito cut her off. He went over to Lala and hugged her. She looked at him and smiled.

"You have nothing to be sorry about," Lala told him. She embraced him tightly. "I'm really happy about this."

"You are?" Rito asked. She nodded and kissed him. They stayed like that for a while.

"Oh my god. Oh my god." Nana said, pacing about frantically. "Why did I do that with that beast?"

"What's wrong with you?" Momo asked, coming in. Nana looked over at her quickly and stopped her pacing.

"What do you think?" Nana said quickly, continuing her pacing. Momo just laughed a little to her self and left her alone.

Rito and Lala had come out of his room and went down stairs. Half way down the steps, they heard the phone ring.

"I'll get it," Rito said, running to answer it before it stopped ringing. "Hello." He said.

"Oh, hey Rito." A voice said on the other side. It was Mio.

"Mio?" Rito asked. "You need to talk to Lala?"

"No. You're the one I was trying to reach." She said. "I tried calling your cell, but you wouldn't answer."

"Oh. Sorry about that." He apologized.

"It's alright." She said.

"So, what do you need?" He asked.

"I  was wondering if you wanted to spend some time with me today. The café  is closed right now and Risa and Haruna both said they were busy." She replied.

"Why me?" Rito asked. "Why not Lala? Or Yui? Or Oshizu?"

"Because I want to hang out with you," Mio said.

"Maybe. Let me check." Rito said.

"Oh. Does Lala have you on a chain?" She teased. Rito's face turned red and he grumbled.

"Lala. I'm going out for awhile. Is that ok with you or do you want me to stay here with you?" Rito asked.

"You can go out if you want, but I want you all day tomorrow," Lala said.

"Ok," Rito said. "Sure, why not Mio. I've got nothing else to do today."

"Good,"  Mio said. "Meet me in front of the café I work at. I'll be waiting."  She hung up and Rito got dressed and went out. He tried to remember where the café was. He got lost a few times before he found it. Mio was standing there waiting for him. "There you are. What took you so long?"  She said as he walked up.

"Got lost." He said. She giggled a bit. She grabbed his arm and started dragging him. "Where are you taking me?" He asked.

"You'll see." She said.

Lala walked into Nana and Momo's room and saw Nana pacing about.

"What's  wrong, Nana?" Lala asked. "You're not worried about having sex with Rito, are you? If you are, don't worry. You'll be just fine."

"I'll be  just fine?" She said, annoyed. "I don't want to get pregnant like you!"  Tears started forming in her eyes. Lala looked at her a while and giggled. She gave her a pat on the head and left.

"Where are we?"  Rito asked. It looked like a big apartment building. It was brightly coloured and looked like it was designed by a kid.

"It was an apartment, then it was turned into a daycare. Now it is completely  abandoned." She said. He looked at her, then back to the building.

"So why are we here?" He asked.

"We  are going to explore it of course." She said. "I was going to come here with Risa, but she couldn't come. I didn't want to go in alone so I  thought I would bring a big strong man to protect me." She put on the cutest face she could as she said that last sentence. Rito sighed.

"Ok, so let's go." He said.

"Not yet. We need to wait till night. We can also get some more people to come with us later. But for now, I'm just going to spend some time with  you." She said. She took her arm and started dragging him around again.  She took him shopping. She took him out to lunch as well. She made him pay for everything. They started walking around randomly just to pass the time. She still had a tight grip on Rito's arm.

"Can you please let go of my arm. It looks like we're a couple." He said.

"Aww. You don't like me?" She decided to tease him.

"I just don't want people to think we're a couple or anything." He said.

"So. Don't worry about it." She said.

"Fine," Rito said. They went back to Mio's place. She took them to her room. "W-why are we here?" Rito asked.

"Why do you think?" She asked seductively. She scooted closer to him.

"I-I-I don't know." He said nervously. He backed away a little but she pulled him back.

"Then  I'll tell you why." She said. Rito's face was red and he was a little scared. "We're going to..." She started. She moved closer. She began to reach into her shirt and Rito grew even more scared. She smiled at him  as she pulled something out slowly. "see who else wants to come with  us." She said, pulling her cell out of her shirt. He sighed with relief.  "What did you think I was going to say?" She teased. "Oh, I know, you naughty boy. You want to take it to the next level, don't you?" she giggled.

"N-no. I-" Rito began.

"I know, don't worry. I  couldn't help but tease you" She said. She called everyone, but only  Haruna, Oshizu, and Momo agreed to come. "Let's go wait for them at the  building." She said, dragging him along before he could say anything.  They waited for them at the building for 10 minutes before anyone came.  Momo came first, then Haruna, finally, Oshizu. After everyone arrived,  they went into the building.

"Are you sure this is safe?" Haruna asked.

"No,"  Mio said. They started on the first floor. They went into the first room. It seemed to be a play area. There were lots of toys scattered on the floor. They looked around and found a chalkboard with some doodles on it. Rito tripped on some toy and fell down. Haruna helped him up and they continued on to the next room. The next three rooms seemed like play areas, each for different age groups. The next room was almost completely empty. All that was in there were some blankets. The next room was just a storage room.

"I don't think we should be doing this," Haruna said.

"It's too late to say that now," Mio said. They continued on to the second floor. It was pretty much the same as the first floor, but there were 2 empty rooms. They proceeded on to the third floor. The first room looked like someone's office. They looked around on the desk. There was a  computer that looked like it hadn't been used for years. There was also some papers, pens, and a name tag that was illegible. They went to the next room. It looked like a lounge. There was a fridge and a microwave that both still worked. They looked in the fridge but it was empty.  There were some nice comfy sofa and an oddment. Rito put his feet up on it and it broke. Everyone looked at him.

"Sorry." He said. the  next room was also a lounge. The next 3 rooms were storage rooms. They got to the stairs. There were ropes and a sign.

"What does that sign say." Momo and Haruna asked.

"It say's "Danger. Do Not Proceed." Mio said. She went under it and signalled everyone to come up with her.

"It says it's dangerous up there," Haruna said.

"Don't worry. We'll be fine." Oshizu said. They went up to the next floor. One of the steps broke when Rito stepped on it. He quickly recovered and they continued up. The next floor was filled with apartment rooms. As was the next floor. They explored each room they came across. The 6th  floor was totally ruined. They explored the first room. Rito was in the kitchen while Mio was in the master bedroom. The rest were in the living room.

"Hey Rito, come here," Mio said. Rito went into the room. Right when he got next to Mio, the floor below her broke.

"AHH!"  She screamed in surprise. Rito grabbed her arm before she fell all the way. He was about to pull her up when the floor below him broke too. The rest came in, hearing all the screaming. They saw the hole where Rito and Mio fell.

"Don't worry, we'll come to find you," Haruna yelled down the hole. They all walked out of the room and began to search for them on the floor below.

"Where are we?" Rito asked, dazed. He looked and saw Mio laying in on top of him. It took him 5 seconds to realize her crotch was in his face. He screamed and Mio jumped up. She looked at him all red-faced.

"Oh, so you noticed." She replied,  blushing a little. He nodded and her face turned slightly red. "You  pervert." She said teasingly.

"What do you mean by that?" he asked. "You're the one not wearing any panties!"

"Yeah,  I guess your right." She giggled. "Looks like we fell down quite a  bit." He nodded in agreement. She looked over at him, then noticed a bulge in his pants.

"W-what are you doing?" Rito asked as she unzipped his pants.

"What  do you think?" She asked. She took his hard member out of his boxers and positioned herself on top of it. She went down quickly and started moving up and down on it. "Don't worry. Risa Broke it with a toy a while  ago." She moaned. Rito wasn't all that surprised. She began to move faster, making Rito moan. She loved the feeling she was getting. She never felt this masturbating or using a toy. It was amazing.

"Mio, I'm going to-" Rito was cut off by her lips on his. Wow. She thought. I never thought my first kiss would be with a guy. And with Rito as well. They broke the kiss and Mio began to feel her climax. After a few more thrusts, Rito came, filling her up. The feeling of his warm fluid in her caused her to come as well. They both quickly cleaned up and went looking for the others.

"Are you guys ok?" Haruna asked when they found them. They both nodded. "Let's go home now." She said. everyone nodded and they headed out. Inside the room, Rito and Mio were in was a  shadowy figure. It watched them as they left, then left its self.
