
Apostle and Pork

"Return it to us! Return it to us! Return it to us! Return it to us!"

As the Senate House erupted into chaos, the air vibrated with the sound of outcry and indignation, reverberating off the ancient stone walls and assailing Abdullah's ears from every direction.

Yet, amidst this cacophony, Abdullah rose, his posture unyielding, a bastion of calm in the eye of the storm. With a steadfast gaze, he faced the seething senators, his expression resolute and undaunted. This was not his first encounter with tumult; indeed, the political tempests he had weathered before dwarfed this uproar. He understood that beneath their bluster, these senators could not touch him.

Not with the looming presence of his sovereign, Antonius De'Ricci.

The Emperor of the Romans, backing him like an invisible fortress, his unleashed blade.
