
Arise Shenron!

Shiro grabbed all the balls that were in his inventory and put them on the ground, they all a bright orange. Shiro smiled and took a deep breath, "Arise Shenron, and grant me my wish!" The sky suddenly went dark.


Back on the look out....

"Kami look..." A black skinned genie, and a Namekian looked out from the look out, the gardian of earth and his assistant. "Someone managed to gather the dragon balls..."

Kami nodded as he stared down in the distance, "I see, but do not be afraid, I can feel that the person who summoned it is the same person that appeared on earth a few moments ago, I can also sense his intentions and I can tell you he means no harm..."

Mr. Popo nodded, "Very well...."


Golden lightning shot up into the distance, the lightning twisted and turned, before it revealed a gigantic, dragon, although this dragon was a lot taller than Porunga, he was skinnier, and more, serpent, like, Shiro recognized this as Shenron.

his glowing red eyes turned to gaze at him and said


The sight never gets old, Shiro smiled wryly. "Shenron, please give me the ability to take away and give, the ability to regenerate at atom level, even if one atom is spared it will allow me to regenerate completely, thus I ask of you shenron, please make it so...."

Shiro thought about wishing for complete control of his Ozaru, but he completely forgot about his system, there was no way he was going to waste a wish for that, that way him and Naruko, no matter what happens can always be perfect, no matter what happens.

The dragons eyes glowed crimson, "YOUR WISH IS GRANTED, FAREWELL!" the dragon turned into lightning, and shot up, but before it separated shiro shot up into the air, looked around and grabbed too of the balls Bulma and Chi-chi's place had, and dropped back into the ground

"Now as I promised, I will give these balls back..." Shiro said to himself,

System light a path before me to the location the ball was before I grabbed it,"


Shiro smiled, and he disappeared in a blur, in a few moments, he reappeared where the ball originally was...


Shiro's eyes turned to see bulma glaring at him, Shiro smiled, and waved the dragon ball in his hand, before putting it on the ground, "See? Like I promised, by now." 'System point me to the direction of the ox king please.'


Shiro disappeared in a burst of speed before Bulma could even say anything.

IShiro reappeared where the Ox Kingdom is located, before he smiled and disappeared in a flash, returning the dragon ball to its original location before reappearing again in the distance,

"Now that I got that out of the way, it's time for me to practice control of my great ape form.'

So how was this? if you like it? Post a comment, let me know your thoughts, and vote powerstones, have a good day

Ken_Uzumakicreators' thoughts