
An Impossible Possible Plan (3)

Having gotten most of the men to understand the circumstances at play, as well as having to display his shadow gate again and again, everyone was now on the same page.

The faces of every man present was serious, except for the Chief who kept having to stop himself from smirking, as they looked at the diagram that Bazel had created for them.

On it was the basic structure of the House Sanguis, an estimation of their number, as well as the location of their base of operations. On it, the power and destructive capability of each rank of the Sanguis branch was estimated using a roman numeral to stand in for the power of a single standardly trained officer.

The lowest class, the neophyte, stood at being able to be defeated in a one on one.

The second lowest, the blood servant, stood at being able to take on at least three officers at once.

The first 'official' member, the blooded ones, stood at being able to take on six officers at once, which Bazel guessed were the ones that kidnapped his sister.

The Genus was at the top, the leaders of the branch family that they were currently dealing with. They were estimated to require at least require twenty four or more standard officers to even have a chance at dealing with them. For this estimate Bazel used himself as the standard, guessing how many men it would take to shoot all at the same time to slowly overwhelm his defenses. Of course this assumed they had perfect coordination and weapons capable of breaching his bodies inherent defenses...

All of this was just extremely shoddily guessed by Bazel, but it helped the men in the room understand what exactly they were dealing with.

"I just received the first report from our investigation team, they brought us a list of all the new blood donation clinics that have appeared in the past few months" said the Vice Chief, as he connected to the projector and displayed the list for all to see. The list came into picture, showing a long list of sites that all popped up within three months of one another. There was even a commonality between them all, they were all owned by the same three registered parent organizations.

"Good gods" muttered one of the Captains, as he counted the number of items in the list.

"That is thirty seven of them, but it is unknown if all three of these companies are owned by...House Sanguis. Regardless, we also have a list of all the employees of these establishments which can shed some light as to the number of these enemies" explained the Vice Captain, changing the slide.

A long list of data appeared, ordering the names and addresses of all the employees onto a nice little map which showed the influence these clinics have based on home location and the number in each area of the town.

"From the first organization there are over eighty employees, the second has nearly a hundred, and the final one has only fifty which all together adds up to just over two hundred."

Such a number meant that if all of these drives were in fact members of House Sanguis and they were to engage in open conflict with the full force that they could muster, then they would at worst be able to take on over two hundred normal officers assuming that they were all of the weakest class.

"We simply do not have enough manpower to deal with such a threat, we are just one of four departments in this town of just over a hundred thousand people. Our own departments max manpower barely cracks sixty, if we move anymore then we would no longer be able to respond to regular emergency calls. On top of that we have our SWAT division that is made up of twenty four people total, but we need to leave at least six on call in case of another emergency elsewhere, so in total we have seventy eight men verses three hundred...the odds are not exactly in our favor"

To which the Chief interjected,"I will set up a meeting with the Chiefs of the other departments so that we can have reinforcements brought in quickly which will help us even the odds, but there is more than just this one 'Noble House' that is coming to play so we should not stretch the departments too thin.

Not only that but I will also get into contact with the Governor and ask for the authorization of the national guard, saying that a large scale criminal infiltration with the goal of causing total anarchy has entered the town. But that will take time, do not expect them to move for a few more days at the very least."

The Chief then looked at Bazel while drumming the desk, wondering if he left anything out.

"Quite frankly even in the best of scenarios we will end up losing a lot of men if we come into conflict with any of these new entities, assuming that we go in blind. Bazel Vasa, I know that this is a lot to ask of you but are you willing to work with me on this? You are clearly more attuned to this supernatural stuff than I. With your expertise and abilities, things will go far smoother. I am willing to dedicate an entire division towards fighting this new threat, making you the second in command of such a force. I can also smooth things over with the prosecutor's office for you, as right now the town needs boots on the ground more than men in suits sitting idly in an office."

Under the sincerity of the Chief, Bazel almost automatically agreed but he stopped himself just short. For everything he had done up until this point was to make the Chief of Police say that very line, to which Bazel instead replied with,

"I can do that, but for a price of course."

Bazel had expected that perhaps the Chief would show some signs of surprise or maybe even give a rousing speech on saving lives is its own reward, but to his surprise he did no such thing.

"I understand, going against this new threat will not be a walk in the park. Name your price." said the Chief, clearly willing to pay whatever is necessary which of course Bazel was more than willing to milk as much as he could from the man.

"Someone I care very deeply about is currently in the clutches of House Sanguis but I know exactly where they are. If you are willing to support me in my...'negotiations' with them then I will be willing to coordinate with you against this new threat, doing anything that you might ask. So long as I can recover and protect who was taken away, my adoptive little sister, you will have a strong weapon by your side."

"I remember receiving a report not too long ago that a few officers who had been assigned as a witness protection detail were attacked and injured while on the job, so I had already begun to look into the issue with whom I now to know to be your sister....Very well, I agree. This will be our first confrontation against our supernatural friends, if we do this right then they will understand that our town is not a playground for them to do whatever they please whenever they please."

The Chief then looked around the room and pointed out two men, one of them Neto and the other was a large bald man who looked more like a bodybuilder than an officer.

"Captain Neto and Captain Schwarz will give you the backup you require. The men under their control will back you up and I will also authorize the full force of our SWAT team to be mobilized, finally, I will open up the armory for all involved in the mission. I will leave the finer details up to you three, who will jointly lead the operation, and I expect for there to be minimal casualties if any and a successful operation.

"As for everyone else, you know your oaths men, to protect and serve. Do not disappoint me, if we cannot even save a single little girl how are we to defend our entire city from these miscreants?"

The Chief showed off his oratory and leadership skills in full, causing everyone's blood to boil and passion to be ignited. Each and every man in the room imagined themselves to be all that was standing between the unknown enemy in the dark and all the innocent lives in the town of Occultatum. With renewed vigor the men all stood up and saluted, and left the room one by one following closely behind the Vice Chief so that they could do all they could to learn about, and by extension, counter the new threat to the city.

With the rank and file gone, only Neto, Bazel, and Schwarz were left.

The three got acquainted, with Schwarz giving him a long and hearty handshake while saying,

"I am Captain Schwarz, I was probably picked for this because I have my own daughters at home unlike the other Captains, so I know what you might be feeling right now due to the loss of your own family member. If it was one of my own little girls...I would be unable to even hold back for a moment, so I respect the amount of self control you are displaying right now. I look forward to working with you, and I will do everything I can to make sure this operation is a success."

Thus the three men sat down across from one another, plotting their course in these unknown waters that lie ahead.
