
Chp 71:You bite him

Ren's POV:

The instant Lucas collapsed I rushed over. He was heating up and his face was flushed.

Layla shone a light into his fading eyes but he lost consciousness. I looked over at her with a panicked expression. 'What were we to do? If we weren't so caught up in our stupid argument, we would've noticed sooner. '

"He needs venom." Layla stated.

I glanced at her and furrowed my brows.


"His body is going through so much pain that he is going into shock. He needs pain relief and our venom is the best there is so. Bite him."

'She wants me to bite Lucas!?'

"You bite him! If I bite him Evan will have my head."

"Pssh, and if I bite him he'll have mine too. But at least he still trusts you. You'll still have a chance to make amends."

"If only that were true."

"It doesn't matter brother, Lucas needs help right now and Evan will definitely overlook anything to save his beloved, would he not?"

I suppose she was right. I hesitated for a bit and gradually lifted Lucas's lifeless body. His veins were pulsating and his flushed face made him even more tantalizing.

I pierced his neck and dug my fangs deep within his flesh, injecting all of my venom. A small taste of his blood reached my tounge, sending me to ecstasy. His blood was like honey, so sweet, so supple. I craved more, digging further into his neck. I would of devoured him there if it weren't for Layla to suddenly place her hand on my shoulder. A definite indication for me to calm down and stop.

Although it had only just occurred to me that nullifying pain wasn't the venoms only power, but arousal too.

His pain had turned into arousal. Great. His body told the world about this, as his pants were beginning to become cramped from the increase of size down there.

I glanced at Layla and even she could smell how tempting Lucas's blood was. She had covered her nose with her hand and began dialing on her phone.

"Who are you calling?"


"What? no no no no. You can't call him."

"And why not? If we keep hiding stuff from him it's gonna end in tears."

She was right. We should tell him about this but I definitely went overboard. His body was definitely calming down but not the downstairs part. Only Evan could really deal with this.

We needed to fix all this. Lucas needed to be cured and if vampirism is the only way then I would gladly help out even if I advise against it.

The phone rang only a couple times until Evan picked up.


Layla instantly chucked the phone to me. She had panic all over her face. From someone who has calm earlier she instantly tensed up from the sound of Evan's voice.

"Hi, it's me Ren. We kinda ran into a bit of a situation and we'll be round soon."

"What!? what kind of situation? are you alright? Where are you?"

His question bombarded me, unable to answer one as another would come instantly.

I sighed and answered the best I could.

"Its Lucas, I'll fill you in with the rest when we get there."

I ended the call cutting him off. He was bound to have a million more questions and we didn't have time for that. Well more like Lucas doesn't have time for that.

I'm gonna try to be more consistent but don't bet on that. ('•~• )

Hope you're enjoying the story! love you guys!

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