
Chapter 27


At first it was hard getting over the stuffs I witnessed, the nightmares, the voices in my head. Particularly when Jacob had told me I was possessed. I freaked out even more!

I was scared of the voices. I thought I would have another ghost haunting me, like ghost boy.

With what ghost boy did to me, I doubt I'll like to go through that again.

I saw my life crashing just at six. He almost ruined me. If not for God, I thought I would never make it.

The whole haunted house tragedy brought it all back to me, and to be honest I never taught I would really get over ghost boy.

The cops announced the deaths of the four youths and it all fell on Norman.  The law do not believe in ghost.

They just believed Norman killed them, and the spookiest stuff was Norman accepted the blame and was judged, then sentenced to life jail. They girls are serving labor in a prison I don't know, and I'm careless.
