
Spreading FREEDOM – Part 2

Chapter 358 – Spreading FREEDOM – Part 2


On top of the eastern wall, Ma Moxi lied prone with an anti-material rifle that he got from Wei Yuan. Even without a scope, his eyes could see everything clearly even if his targets were five kilometers away.


Being a cultivator had its perk. His five senses were sharper than when he was an ordinary human in the previous life.


Observing the intruders, who were charging at the small town below the wall, Ma Moxi took several deep breaths before he exhaled all air from his lung and stopped breathing. Then, he pulled the trigger.




The DU element shell took another life.


Ma Moxi ejected the empty cartridge and manually reloaded another ammo. He took a couple deep breaths to slow his heart rate and aimed again.


However, his targets stopped packing together and spread out, moving to the sides instead of charging directly at the town.
