Disappointed that she couldn't notice any effects, Nikki turned her attention toward the active abilities. Of which the shield had only two. But both were extremely strong and useful.
[Active abilities:]
[Dome of protection: Summon a barrier of wind, protecting a set area from all attacks. Be they magical or physical. (Allows attacks from inside to leave the barrier unimpeded)]
[Upon activation, the wielder can decide who may enter the Dome of Protection. Without active instruction, the dome will allow party members free entry and exit.]
[Cost (Activation): 200 (per 2-meter radius) <231 >]
[Cost (Drain): Raw damage value of blocked attacks minus 51.67 <43.54 > (1/3 MR rating). Attacks below 51.67 <43.54 > raw damage value will not cost any mana to block.]
[Cooldown: 15 minutes (per 2-meter radius covered)]