
Near death for everyone

It was a strange feeling, all his questions and wondering made the connection between him and the aura slip. Yet, it was not because of them themselves, but rather, him looking for the answers of these questions. 

"Correct, searching means questioning and thus non-tranquility."

"Unkown, unknown, unknown. Correct, control has been lost."

Grumbling, Eldrian flipped the finger at himself. "Anger detected, unknown, unknown..."

Suddenly, Eldrian found himself with a massive headache as the ice-covered the half-elf as a shield and sent out attacks, knocking his ethereal self senseless.

He woke in his study, the place destroyed and covered in ice. The temperature was so cold that the wood had all cracked and even the floor was starting to crack from the extreme temperatures.

Moving his mana through him to fight off the invading cold, Eldrian cast Therapeia to recover his quickly draining HP and also cast Volida to combat the cold. 
