
Chapter 124

Author Note: (.U⁄ ⁄ω⁄ ⁄ U.)

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I'm currently on chapter 144!

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Staring out the window… with a feeling of inner peace I couldn't quite describe… with one single thought clouding my mind… I was the King now… I had finally won the game, with all its ups and downs I had won.

But I knew this was just a moment, "The calm before the storm….I suppose that applies to me right now," I chuckled, knowing very well, I had one more battle to win.

But for now, that could wait… right now I was dying to see my family… to kiss my wife, to hold my kids… But I was scared… and while I didn't let anyone but Neltharion know… thoughts of… what if they didn't remember me… what if they didn't want to be with their old man… that would hurt me more than any sword.

"My King," Oberyn said as he entered the room, bringing me back to the real world.

"Oberyn," I greeted with a smile.

"You must be excited to see your wife… god knows you need some love," Oberyn winked.

"Remind me again why are we friends?" I inquired with a chuckle.

"I don't know…. but that's a curse you can't cast away," Oberyn laughed.

"One that is not so bad," Jon chuckled entering the room, maybe I need to start locking my room.

"I suppose," I shrugged, "My wife and kids will be here in a month… I'll be honest I'm kinda nervous,"

"Oh… well, they do say a woman is more terrifying than any battle," Oberyn commented, "But that's what makes their company even better,"

"Not of Daenerys, I mean… my kids…. I can't help but wonder… I—- forget it," I chuckled.

"If I may…." Ned Stark said entering the room… and yeah… I need to lock my room.

"Sure," I nodded.

"I went to war when Robb was one year old… and like you I was nervous… but the boy knew I was his father the moment he saw me… so don't worry," Ned smiled, "The cubs will know… is in their blood,"

"Thanks," I smiled, that actually made me feel a bit better.

"So… when can we hear the Lannister's scream in pain?" Oberyn asked like a kid would when asking for candy…. disturbing… but understandable.

"When your Queen arrives… she wants to see them hang for what they did to her family," I answered, rolling my eyes at his antics.

"Well, I guess I can wait," Oberyn pouted.

"I forgot to mention… but the spider is nowhere to be found," Jon commented.

"Hmm, well… there isn't much he can do… he isn't a priority for me at all," I sighed.

And while it was true the spider was my enemy, he was hardly a threat anymore… well… he never was, but I do wonder, how did he manage to escape, and more importantly… how did he do so without alerting my Ravens…


[Varys The Spider 🕷 POV]

What a waste… in the end my efforts to stop the monster I created were useless… Ronard won… once again I was at the beginning of the chain… but I would rise.. and the next time I faced that monster… I would be ready.


"A crow… weird...they aren't common around these parts," I muttered wondering if it was someone's pet… after all, crows were very uncommon where I was, "Well, I suppose I'm also uncommon here,"


Another one…


Another one… two… three… four… fifteen… no more than that… and they are all staring at me… "I better get going,"

"Life is a finite resource… from the moment you are born… you start wasting that valuable gift… some more than others… but you little spider… you fucked up… royally…" A crow was… talking… as murder of hundreds of crows flew around that single crow that had my attention, the talking one, "We are cousins to the Ravens… friends of the cornbringer, protectors of his subjects… and executioners of his enemies, and you… little spider… are his enemy…"

The murder of crows… circled me… flying around me wildly.

"So this is how he was always on top of everything," I laughed, there wasn't much I could do besides that…

"Yes, take solace of that… and in the fact… you never had a chance," With that… the murder of crows flew towards me… and with open arms… I welcomed death.


[Petyr Baelish POV]

I jumped from being Tywin's prisoner to being Ronard's prisoner… well… at the very least the brat ought to be easier to manipulate…

"Littlefinger," That… voice… the old fucking wolf was still alive.

"Lord Stark, what a pleasant surprise," I greeted.

"It must be for some… but not for you, after all, I do seem to remember you holding my neck with a dagger…" Ned growled.

"I played the game… to the best of my skills," I sighed.

"You won't escape punishment littlefinger, Ronard is too smart for your games, but do try… I would love to see you fail," And with that Lord Stark left…. he had changed quite a bit….

"Well… I still have Lysa… she will save me," I smiled, after all, if Ronard wanted the vale to kneel he would need me.


[Daenerys POV]

Ronard won… he promised me one day I would go back to Westeros as it's Queen, and he had once again delivered, keeping his word, but… even though that single thing had been the purpose for as long as I can remember, that wasn't the reason that made me want to swim go across the sea. It was him.

I wanted to be by my husband's side, I wanted to kiss him, to make love to him, to hold him and never let him go… I missed him more than I wanted that stupid throne, and I was finally reuniting with him.

My family would soon be whole again, "I need a new dress,"

"He won't check that…" Dacey chuckled, "He will probably break the dress away, I mean… the King hasn't been with his wife for a loooong time," she winked at me.

"I know… I'm expecting that and more, if not… I'll break his armor myself," I laughed, these little moments where titles didn't quite matter, made me feel at peace, Dacey and Missandei were my best friends after all, "A Queen gets…. what a Queen wants,"

"Ronard's words huh?" Dacey laughed.

"The prince and princess will be overjoyed of seeing their father," Missandei commented with a smile, "They keep asking about him,"

"They are going to love him…" I smiled.

"Aye," Dacey nodded.


[Qrow Mormont Ravenicus POV]

I was going to see father again… I had some much to do… my puns… I had to improve them, I had to make him laugh!

*To the pun-cave!*

*I HATE YOU!* Rhaegal shouted.
