
Ch 13 : Super Nerd

After the battle with Brock, Ignis Went back to the Pokémon center And asked Nurse Joy To heal His pokemons.

Ignis Waited For his Pokemons to heal before Stepping out Of the Pokémon center after Thanking Nurse joy.

As Ignis was walking, He Took out his pokedex and Checked the progress of it.

< Onix.Onix is a Pokémon composed of a giant chain of gray boulders that become smaller towards the tail. Its length makes it the tallest Rock-type Pokémon. It has black eyes and a rounded snout. On top of its head is a rocky spine. As it grows older, it becomes more rounded and smoother, eventually becoming similar to black diamonds. Inside its brain is a magnet that serves as an internal compass, guiding Onix wherever they need to go and prevents them from getting lost while digging.

Onix tunnels under the ground at over 50 miles (80 kilometers) per hour, which causes tremors and a terrifying roar that echoes a long way. Hard objects encountered while tunneling are absorbed into its body, which makes it very sturdy. It also consumes the boulders for food. The massive, winding tunnels it leaves behind are used as homes by Diglett. As seen in the Pokémon Stadium series, Onix is capable of rotating its head, or any part of its body, in a full 360 degrees. It is a very aggressive Pokémon that will constantly attack humans and other Pokémon when in pain. It is said that an Onix that lives for about 100 years will evolve into a Steelix after it composition becomes more diamond-like. can be found in mountains and caves. >

< Geodude . Geodude is a gray boulder Pokémon. It has bulging, rocky eyebrows, trapezoidal, brown eyes and a wide mouth. Its arms are muscular with five-fingered hands. Geodude uses its arms to climb steadily up steep mountain paths. It is proud of its sturdy body and will bash against others of its kind in a contest of sorts to prove whose body is harder. The longer it lives, the more chipped and worn its body becomes. Eventually, it will be completely smooth and round. As a result of their physical appearance, Rhyperiormistake this Pokémon for actual boulders and fire them through their hands.

Geodude can be most often found on mountain trails and fields. It will sit still in these areas, which is why it is often mistaken for a rock. It is often stepped on and will sometimes swing its arms in anger when this occurs. When Geodude sleeps deeply, it buries itself halfway into the ground. Once buried, it will not awaken even if someone steps on it. In the morning, Geodude rolls downhill in search of food. >


after Seeing that The Data of His pokedex Increased, Ignis Smiled and moved on to his next purpose, And that is Mt. Moon Where he can find Fossils to revive.

After confirming his next destination, Ignis Nodded and closed his pokedex before Sprinting In Naruto way and once again Earning Weird Looks from The people around them

Ignis Exited the City in no time as he continued on pursuing his Fantasies using His very unique way of sprinting.

Ignis Sprinted Towards the path leading towards Mt. moon and when the Mountain was visible to him, He sped up and Arrived in front of a A Cave. Ignis recognized this as the entrance to Mt.Moon!

Resting For a bit, Ignis Let out a sigh and Walks towards The cave. After Stepping inside, Ignis Felt A Small thump coming from the Black crystal And The dark Cave system Grew Brighter and brighter until Everything In the cave was so clear like how Ignis Saw the Surroundings outside this cave during the day.

Inside here, He Saw different Kind of pokemons like Geodude, Zubats, Golbats, And even A pair of Onixs Doing that...

Ignis followed his memory and went through Different paths before arriving in front of a Stone Platform With Two Fossils embedded On it. Ignis' Eyes Lit up and just as he was about to Grab the two Fossils, A Hand grabbed His Wrist which startled him greatly.

he was about to send a Powerful Hand chop to the culprit when he saw that The one who grabbed his wrist was not a Pokemon but A Man Wearing Large spectacles.

" What the hell are y-you doing! I-I've found them first! "

Ignis recognized Who this Guy was. He was none other than Super Nerd. This guy was a huge fanatic of Fossils and Revived Fossil pokemons.

" But why Didn't you Obtain it when you found it first? "

Hearing his words, Super Nerd Grew flustered And stuttered While Holding Ignis' Wrist.

" I... I...It's Because... Because I can't P-pull them out on my own. "

Ignis was stunned on how Unreasonable This guys was.

' Since you can't get it on your own why Stop others from getting it themselves? '

Super nerd saw his expression through his large spectacles and Immediately Understood what he was thinking. His face Displayed Exhaustion and Helplessness.

" Then...Then How about A battle? I-If you m-manage to Defeat m-me then this f-fossils will belong to you..."

Ignis Heard that and Just like what to His expectation, Super nerd Will indeed Challenge him When he fight over the Fossils on the platform.

" Then prepare yourself "


AncientDragon908creators' thoughts