
Chapter Fifty three

Back to the ocean

Laura said "we are going out to have fun."

Jakes said "back to the beach, the ocean I'm ready to have fun."

Laura said "sitting on a beach, reading magazine and having a cold drink this is what relaxing is about."

Jakes said "I'm happy you have not bothered yourself with work stuff and your phone is off for the first time in year's we being married."

Laura said "we are here to enjoy ourselves, if they run down our companies to the ground will still be fine right?"

Jakes said "relax, they won't and probably happy we are not checking on them."

Laura said "I am enjoying the heat here."

Jakes said" you look good those abs you're killing me honey."

Laura said" working out babe you can't be the only one who has abs in this relationships and my scars haven't heal yet but I'm wearing shorts."

Jakes said" the scars will heal, would you prefer to wearing tracksuits in the beach to hide your scars and you're perfect."

Laura said "they're not staring at you, they probably think I was hit by a train well I feel like that."

Jakes said "are you in pain, let me go get you painkillers."

Laura said "no, I am not in pain just want to heal quickly and stop complaining to you."

Jakes said" they're just staring at how beautiful you're, those killer abs and you're the most powerful woman in the world. The change you're doing honey you're amazing."

Laura said" you're amazing, I need to stop turning you into my personal therapist."

Jakes said "nothing wrong with that babe, you can tell me anything and even crazy stuff."

Laura said" I know but can be exhausting, you my husband and God is my rock I should rely on him more than I rely on you or anybody. I should tell him this and that"

Moving forward

(Lets Start over babe)

Jakes said "how are you doing darling?"

Laura said "Good love, sitting home, responding to emails, just checking if they haven't burn down our companies and I'm bored."

Jakes said "take it easy, step by step no need to rush back to work you are the boss, told them not to bother you love."

Laura said "I'm now using crutches things can go back to normal, I can even babysit interns we hired over hundreds in our companies that's a lot we are doing great, and they must need help."

Jakes said " laughing out loud, tell you want you stay here enjoy your time ,when you get back lots of work waiting for you and besides babysitting interns not your thing you will end up doing the work yourself."

Laura said "delegating, I'm learning to trust them to do well, I remember doing everything myself."

Jakes said "you are the leader babe, you said you were bored will find something to do, go out and breath new fresh air."

Laura said "I was so bored, that I got this idea to torture you."

Jakes said "I thought we were moving on darling."

Laura said "we have, we are starting over love."

Jakes said "the idea was to."

Laura said "close your eyes."

*Joshua enters the room dress like a clown*

Jakes said "okay, lord have mercy on me."

Laura said "open your eyes."

Jakes said" I think I'm going to pass out."

Laura said" just breath I got you hold my hand, do you want to touch the clown."

Jakes said "I don't like clowns Laura and you know this."

Laura said" take this as facing your fears, nothing is going to happen to you keep breathing."

Jakes said "more like a punishment."

Laura said "laughing out loud, you will be fine."

Jakes said "where did you get this clown?"

Laura said "that's Joshua, your friend dress as a clown, I got you still same as the real clown. "

Joshua said "sorry buddy."

Jakes said "I will get you two, all is forgiven. I don't remember you laughing like this honey."

*Joshua left*

Laura said "your face when you saw the clown, hilarious lucky for you I have captured all this, there's a camera over there.��

Jakes said "wow babe."

Laura said "is it safe to say you no longer afraid of clowns, you touch him."

Jakes said "well I am not afraid of Joshua."

Laura said "I'm taking about the clown Joshua not Joshua your friend. "

Jakes said "I'm not afraid of both."

Laura said "laughing out loud, this was fun."

Jakes said "be prepared woman, I will have to get you for this."

Laura said "while I'm still recovering you have no shame."

Jakes said "using your injuries I see you don't play fair, my surprise will need you fully healed and walking on your own to your surprise."

Laura said "can't wait game on darling."

Jakes said "game on."
