
Fresh Start It Is

"You want a fresh start?" Hesitantly Hera asked. He could be playing with her feelings, and she wouldn't know until her heart gets broken. But Hunter gave his answer with a firm nod of his head while keeping his eyes fixed on Hera.

She arched her brows up as if she's surprised. "Are you kidding me, Hunter? You and I both know, you know not a thing about being loyal. You can't ever stop fucking pretty girls. Your dick will die for sure with depression, Hunter," Hera laughed at that thought. He was a heartless player. How was she supposed to trust him? 

Hunter's lips twitched in a barely-there smile before he said, "Try me, Love. You never know until you try," he replied, and his challenging tone did surprise Hera. 

'Dear God! Is Satan actually agreeing to play by my rules?' 
