
Speaking of the New Director

"New director? Again?" Skrzynecki was surprised. "Someone from the States again?"

"In a way," nodded Stefan. "The guy has no experience in such a position yet, it will be his first job of this type. Therefore, Alexander had to clean up a little for him. Tomorrow we are preparing a surprise party for Alexander's farewell."

Harrison's departure from the company came as a surprise, if not a shock, to Mikołaj. The company will not benefit if every few moments it changes the person in the position of director. In addition, they have to give them someone who is totally inexperienced.

"I don't know if HQ wants to keep our branch or get rid of it," Mikołaj shook his head. "I do not like Alexander, but another change so soon ..."

"But at least you won't have to worry about looking him in the face," noted Szwedas.
