
Emperor Ji Yuan?

In no time, Ji Yuan was introducing the Immortal Fairy Lucia and Ruan Songci to all his maidens.

Among all the maidens that were presented, only Shui Xisi and Shui Qingqing were not his official maidens. 

Shui Qingqing felt very awkward when Ji Yuan was introducing his maidens to everyone and she was secretly saddened in her heart; it was because she had known Ji Yuan far longer than some of the maidens but they had all become his maidens except for her.

Actually Ji Yuan knows Shui Qingqing's heart for him but he had purposely suppressed it; it was because he was having an affair with her protégé mistress Shui Xisi.

It would be quite scandalous for him if he were to take both Shui Xisi and Shui Qingqing as both his maidens as they had a master-disciple relationship.
