
Loving Him Still (Ann Li)

To Be Pampered by the School Boss Special Chapter

A Story from Ann Li's POV


"That's Young Master Zhao, right?"

"He's so handsome!"

That's what I hear every time there's a party or social gathering. Everyone's talking about how "Young Master Zhao" is so great or how he's so handsome. People show photos they took of him, or news articles that feature him. I never believed in such talk or rumors.

Can a person really be as great as how people depict him to be?

That was until I saw him talking with my dad one party. I only recently started going with my dad to business gatherings. He always used to urge me, but I was not interested before. But he used my allowance to threaten me, and so I unwillingly went with him. The parties were always the same, people bragging and people making connections everywhere. That was until this one party hosted by the Zhao's themselves.
