
January 20, 2021: Blunda

A group of men -- appearing as if the filming of a new installment for the men-in-black series was transpiring right then and there -- came out of the main doors of the hospital.

They had these stoic faces on while showing off their complete black-suit fashion, totally unfazed by the heat emitted by the patio heaters seen along the foyer. 

It was amazing in itself, taking into account that the sun was currently at its peak. Even in the midst of winter, the sun did not dwindle in its power on that very day.

"What seems to be the matter, Sir Greyson?"

The entity who stood out from the rest, obviously being forfended from any sort of danger by the security forces around him, initiated an inquiry.

"Would it be alright for you to walk a short distance to reach the car, Mr Brecheisen?"

"I have no issues with that. Although, I'm curious about your excuse."

Konrad Brecheisen looked as if the heavens conspired to redux one of the Norse Gods to bless the land with their presence. His fitted suit, with an unbuttoned top sans the tie, did not only unsuccessfully hide his lean body, but emphasized it even more.

Elongated limbs that matched his height of 198 centimeters did him justice within the circle of his brawny guards, who had towering statures.

Prominent facial features decorated his face; tall greek nose; hooded eyes, containing irises in the shade of blue that imitated the seas during a raging storm, underneath straight eyebrows; a sharp jawline finish. 

With two-thirds parted to the right and carefully trimmed, so it didn't touch his ears and barely grazed the top of his eyelids, his raven black hair was freely flowing in the wind.

Albeit endowed with visuals competent enough to be considered an artwork, Konrad's aloof visage and uncordial aura made people wary of him.

Konrad Brecheisen was on a visit to the Baumhauer Medical Hospital for a monthly inspection he was not required to be in. He only insisted on doing it, seeing that there were several issues that needed urgent resolution. Thusly so, he wanted to survey the establishment for his own satisfaction.

"Martin informed me that there is a patient needing support inside the taxi. But it's currently parked at the main drop-off area." The guard informed Konrad as he pointed at the vehicle in question.

"Is it an emergency?"

"I suppose it is. Martin was in quite a hurry."

"Then why didn't they instruct them to visit the emergency department? Or why don't I see any signs of the emergency medical team here?"

"I have not yet asked about the details, Mr Brecheisen."

"Do it now."

"Yes, as you wish."

Greyson hurriedly bowed his head before heading towards the station to probe the other guards. Luckily for him, Carlos, the one who acquired the first-aid kit, arrived in time for his objective. With simply his gaze, Carlos understood the intentions of Greyson, so he explained what was the deal directly.

"From the driver's statement, it sounded like the patient is hyperventilating. We already called for the medical team. They will arrive in approximately a couple of minutes."

"Is that so?

"That is all. Now, I will excuse myself and hand this kit to Martin."


Greyson turned his gaze towards his colleagues. Withal, a question mark registered on his face when he saw that Konrad had followed Carlos in his tracks. The security guards were tailing Konrad, though apart with a wide stretch. Hence, the sole thing left for Greyson to do was to rejoin the rank and do the same.

Meanwhile, Konrad had caught up with Carlos. Accordingly, Konrad placed a firm grip on the guard's left shoulder, causing the latter to halt his movement.

"Sir Carlos, let me handle this. Please personally fetch the medical team. Their presence will be utterly needed if it turns out that the patient's condition is severe."

Konrad's bass-ranged voice alone was recognizably unique that Carlos knew it was him without looking at his appearance.

"Understood, Mr Brecheisen."

Carlos then placed the first-aid box to his boss's open hand. He proceeded to lower his head before sprinting towards the emergency department.

On the other hand, Konrad didn't miss a beat in his actions and sauntered towards the taxi. He noticed that the passenger door of the vehicle was already opened.

Martin was kneeling on the ground beside the seat all the while the driver was pacing back and forth at the guard's rear. Unfortunately, Konrad's view of the patient was blocked by the car's wall.

"Sir Martin, why are you tarrying at this point in time?"

As soon as Martin got wind of the mild scolding, he shot up from his position to quickly clear up the misunderstanding.

"I figured that we should attempt to administer first-aid for her hyperventilation, Mr Brecheisen. Her rapid breathing has been on for a few minutes. Actually, I was not able to scan other symptoms so far. She also has a mask that I have yet to remove."

After harkening the guard's report, Konrad pushed the box he was holding on to Martin's chest and rushed to the patient's side. He flinched when his hand made contact with her pale skin that was too torrid, indicative that she had a high fever.

Konrad resolved to withdraw the mask on her face to not inhibit the entrance of air into her body. Withal, once the mask was removed, his hand ceased from moving. 

'This face, it was the woman I met from the night before.'

Yes, it was the woman who had been in his mind since.

Konrad Brecheisen was similar to Syn Rosenfeldt in a way that they avoid associating their personal feelings, which they deemed gratuitous at best, in the decision-making process of all affairs related to their work.

With this established work ethic, he readily set aside his bewilderment within short of a second in order to properly address the worsening condition of the lady.

Still, Konrad couldn't help but be enthralled by the strange circumstances of their second meeting, saying to himself, 'How amusing.'

Blunda [Swedish] - means to close or cover your eyes to avoid seeing something or facing a hard truth. It’s similar to the English expression ‘turn a blind eye’, or can be the simple act of ignoring something.

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