
Chapter 30

   It's just pain what I can think about now, it was a long time ago since I didn't sleep on the ground without anything. I dreamt about how was that old pizzeria in its time, about Fredbear and his partner, everything seemed to be perfect in that restaurant, it's a shame that they had to face that accident and ruin the owner's dream, I'm sure he'll think about anything else to success his desire. I had forgotten the fact that Bonnie had finally known about the pizzeria's real past, and that's why he slept with me. Where is he? I thought that, when I woke up, I'd find him with me, or at least he'd tell me that he was gonna go to bed. According to the watch next to the computer, it's 5:23 A. M., Chica is certainly in the kitchen making breakfast by now. I'll talk to her to know if she got to see where Bonnie went to. I got up as my legs and my arms hurt like hell; being in that position, well, anyone's body hurts. It'll be a lesson for me to avoid it, or at least to sleep with a pillow next time.

   Everywhere was still dark and, as I guessed, the light in the kitchen was already on, letting go some of its beams through the half-closed door. As I was getting closer, I could hear someone taking and putting stuff somewhere inside. I slowly opened the door.

   "Chica?" I said without seeing her yet.

   "Uh?" she said confused. "Oh! Morning, Freddy, what made you come here at this time?"

   "Well... I got some troubles to sleep and... I wanted to come here and talk to you," I said as I sat down on the kitchen's table.

   "Sure! We can talk while I cook this pizza," she said as she turned back at the kitchen's bar, "now I'll make a very special pizza that you and everyone must definitely try out."

   "Oh mine, that sounds... delicious," I said kind of unsure, "thanks, Chica."

   I could see Chica smiling, and then she broke the silence.

   "Hey, Freddy, can I ask you something?"


   "Why you couldn't sleep?" she asked while looking and handling that dough.

   "I don't know, maybe I just ate too much pizza yesterday, or maybe it was the show."

   "Are you sure?" she said in a teasing tone.

   "Uhh... Yes, why you ask?"

   "It's really odd that you got troubles to sleep last night, the one who could get troubles for that, I guess, it's Bonnie, don't you think so?"

   "Well, yeah, I guess you're right, "I answered while looking at the table. "But then what do you think it was for?"

   Chica kept silent for a while.

   "Look, I know I'm putting myself in things that are not up to me, you have your personal life and I have mine, but maybe that little problem that didn't let you sleep last night has a name, and it's not necessary an illness, but a passion inside of you that we don't know yet, a passion that sooner or later we're all going to find out, you just need to love and accept yourself, so you'll accept everybody."

   "What are you talking about?" I asked confused to her weird speech.

   "Listen, maybe it's easy to keep secrets from people, but you and me know each other for a long time ago, since we were children basically: we know what we like, what we don't like, what we do, what we dream, etc., anyone could say that we're a couple, but fortunately we're not, no offense." She got back to cook the pizza. "And between you and me it's really hard to keep secrets, for example, I'm pretty sure that you already know what Foxy and me are going through, right?"

   "Well... yeah," I said while looking off from her.

   "Exactly, and as you easily can see my intentions, I can see yours too, I can even see them in your eyes, it's just that you're still holding them inside."

   "Why are you saying this to me?" I asked kind of upset so she can conclude her long speech.

   "Ok, ok, I think I rambled enough. What I'm trying to say is that I heard you and Bonnie in the security office, I don't know what you guys were talking about, but you woke me up 'cause one of you fell down, and well, I couldn't hold my curiosity, so I wanted to take a peek to see what was going on and, indeed, it was happening: you were sat down next to him against the wall, cuddling, as you was cheering him up."

   I instantly started to feel something that was crushing my chest, which was holding my fluent breath at the same time.

   "Did you see us?" I asked so we can avoid awkward silences.

   "Yes." She nodded.

   "I don't know what to say," I said really puzzled.

   "Don't worry, you don't need to say anything, as I said minutes ago, you know my intentions and I know yours."

   I softly giggled.

   "You don't think that I—"

   "No, you need to tell me nothing, I'll just say that I'm going to help you."

   "Help me with what?"

   "You'll see," she said smiling.

   "Chica, you sound a little funny, are you sure you're ok?"

   Chica laughed.

   "Of course I'm ok, Freddy! Why wouldn't I be?" she asked out loud while smiling.

   I wondered about what she said, then about what I asked.

   "Forgive me, it's just that... there is somethings that you didn't see before you saw us cuddling," I said while looking at the table.

   "What?" she curiously asked.

   "Bonnie was the one who fell down and woke you up, but he didn't fall himself, it was my fault."

   "How?" she asked more curious.

   "I jumped over him while he was sat down in that chair and looking at the cameras; I didn't feel myself anymore, I just felt my body walked toward him, and there wasn't anything to do about it, I had the urge to "kill", to kill whoever were in the office."

   Chica kept silent while thinking about what I told her.

   "Bonnie told me that my eyes turned dark with white shiny pupils, those empty eyes that nowadays no one had seen them."

   "Woah," Chica said without breath, "I never thought that could happen again, I... I thought it was just a myth, I thought we were the first ones who stepped this pizzeria. Freddy, are you sure about this?"

   "Of course I am, it possessed my body and I couldn't do anything about it, I just could get back my sense when I was already all over Bonnie's body."

   "Well... I'm going to ask Foxy about it, we might be able to find an answer to this problem."

   "Really? You think you know how to solve it?" I said looking at her hopefully.

   "Sure! Well, I know this is quite serious, and any of us can go through this in any moment, and you're our boss, we have to carry on with all of your commands. Due to all the wounds Foxy received, he got to know his body, and... Well, I think he knows something about our bodies that can be helpful."

   "Thanks!" I said thrilled, "thank you, Chica! You're a very special friend!"

   "You're welcome," she said smiling, "you know y'all can count with me for everything, so don't worry about that."

   "Thanks," I said calmer.

   "By the way," she added.


   "In case you've been wondering, Bonnie got up approximately one hour ago and went to bed, he probably told you already though."

   "Oh, no, actually I woke up there and he wasn't with me anymore, I thought I was gonna find him there," I said giggling.

   "Yeah... Bonnie is very special, isn't he?" she said with that tone again.

   "Oh, sure... so special," I said in Chica's tone. "I mean... he's a good boy, he had learned a lot in these days, he got along with the children and I think he's got a great future forward."

   Chica giggled silently.

   "Well, it'll be better for us to get ready," she said while taking off the Christmas apron I bought to her.

   "But it's still very early."

   "There's a lot of work to do anyway," she said as she walked out.

   I don't understand why Chica is always hurrying up to work, she doesn't even take quite time to get ready anyway.

I got kind of curious to see what Chica was cooking and adding to this new pizza she told me about, so I walked to the kitchen bar to see the ingredients, and I could see those are new ones, new ones that I'd never seen before, they looked weird and maybe with a bad flavor, however, when I smelled one of them, I felt very... happy, I even felt a little desire to go to my bed, lay down and have a relaxing time alone there, that smell is weirdly delicious.
