
Sevenz's Sudden Question

Howard was too engrossed in his impromptu sparring match with Sept to even notice the people who had disappeared from there.

However, someone else had observed this oddity and made their move almost immediately.

As Yvonne followed Sevenz to wherever it was that he was guiding her to, they paused after hearing the sounds of footsteps coming their way.

The owner of Ocular had been under the impression that it was his butler who had followed them but it turned out to be his friend's young butler instead.

The little girl let out a chuckle when she found that it was Jax and turned around, letting him follow them as that was his duty in the first place.

Sevenz did not have any issues with him joining them and led them to the parlor.

A maid was already present inside the parlor and had served them tea and snacks after which she left the room while Jax stood behind his Boss as he should.
