
An Incompetent Father

Howard's face had turmoil written all over it after hearing what his father had to say.

In the last few minutes, Rutherford had narrated a short conversation with his daughter in the past that he had taken as a joke at that time.

He retold how she had approached him about looking after the family business while her elder brother lived his dream of becoming a knight.

He also vividly recalled how he had not taken her seriously and pushed her idea away by considering it as a childish babble which she would forget with time.

But many months had passed since then and she was still thinking about what she had proposed back then, indicating that she had paid a lot of thought to her idea to support her brother.

'I never would have thought that she was thinking of ways to support Howard to become a knight.' He was both surprised and worried that she might do something that could get her in trouble in the future.
