

"Now tell me who taught me Hyo Ra's martial arts?"

Those words made Kim Yoora look up, she also looked at Kim Won Shik who was standing tall in front of her. About two hours ago Kim Yoora had been released from prison. She was dragged by force, to bend her knees in front of Kim Won Shik. And here she was, in front of many people including Kim Won Shik who started to interrogate her.

"There is not any." Kim Yoora replied nonchalantly.

Kim Won Shik was so angry that he clenched his fists, "I'm asking Hyo Ra one more time Hyo Ra. Tell me the truth!!"

"Dear Emperor Kim Won Shik!! I told you that no one taught me. You asked me to tell the truth!! And I told the truth!! What do you want!!"

"If no one taught you, why would you attack me?" Said Kim Ye Jun.

Okay, the man with the woman's mouth started to speak. Kim Yoora also explained that she would not attack, if Kim Ye Jun did not cause trouble. Unfortunately the man immediately crossed his tongue and blamed Kim Yoora.

"Hey…." Kim Yoora shouted while pointing at Kim Ye Jun, even as she stood up from her prostration and looked at the man angrily.

"Keep your voice down!! And put my finger down Princess Kim Hyo Ra!!" Jae Hwa shouted and stood up from his seat.

Immediately, everyone who was here stood up, including the Queen Mother, who had been silent and listened to everything.

Kim Yoora rolled her eyes lazily, without a word she immediately left this room and headed for the pavilion. Looks rude, because she can see Kim Won Shik's angry face. But what does Kim Yoora care about? She had told the truth, and in fact no one believed Kim Yoora. Even if you want to lie, Kim Yoora also thinks first.

The woman kept grumbling every time she returned to her pavilion. Regardless of the many people who looked at him strangely, there were also those who bowed respectfully. But unfortunately Kim Yoora's annoyance was deeper than their greetings.

Arriving at the pavilion, Kim Yoora immediately asked a soldier who was guarding the front, not to put people in the pavilion, including Kim Won Shik. Because for now Kim Yoora doesn't want to be disturbed. She wanted to be alone, and thought of how to get revenge on the snake woman. Her life was miserable in prison, and she couldn't stay still.

Throwing stones made Kim Yoora work her eyes many times. She also looked for the source of the throw, and it turned out to be from a large tree near her pavilion.

"Young Jae you're here..." Kim Yoora screamed when she found out who threw the stone at her.

"I've been here since last night, but you weren't around." Min Young Jae chose to get down from the tree by jumping. And landed smoothly right in front of Kim Yoora. "Tell me where were you last night?" he said.

Immediately, Kim Yoora immediately pouted, she also said what happened to Min Young Jae. Kim Ye Jun san was also put in jail. While in prison, Kim Yoora was also not given food, fortunately Iseul and Kim Yeon Seok sent her food whenever Kim Yoora felt hungry.

"But you're innocent right?" Min Young Jae asked to make sure.

Kim Yoora shook her head, "No. I'm not together at all. But they even forced me to tell the truth.

Min Young Jae chuckled, he immediately invited Kim Yoora to leave this palace. Just a breath of fresh air on the banks of the river, or a walk in the market. But because in front there was Kim Yoora's soldier, finally Min Young Jae grabbed Kim Yoora's waist and invited her to jump into this big tree and also this big fence. Then again jumped over to the side of the fence, and galloped with arms intertwined.

Don't ask how Kim Yoora's heart is right now. This was the first time she felt an extraordinary heart, a heart that beats above the normal rhythm, a heart that seemed to have just felt an extraordinary electric shock. Until finally Kim Yoora felt that there were a lot of butterflies around them beautifully.

Because he couldn't stand his erratic heartbeat due to running. Kim Yoora gently brushed off Min Young Jae's hand. She also bent her body and controlled her panting breath. So far, Kim Yoora is the laziest person to exercise, let alone running. And now she is even being asked to run away, which may be far from the palace.

"Tired, let's take a break." Said Kim Yoora. He also chose to sit on the question without caring that his hanbok would get dirty. Moreover, she wore a white and red hanbok.

Min Young Jae squatted in front of Kim Yoora, his hand reached out to wipe the woman's forehead with his handkerchief.

The slightest thing immediately made Kim Yoora uncomfortable, her cheeks turned red again and her heart beat faster again.

Damn what happened to him.

Kim Yoora immediately brushed off Min Young Jae's hand, she grabbed the handkerchief and wiped her own sweat roughly. Without caring if the powder on Kim Yoora's forehead will disappear.

"Sorry..." Min Young Jae said.

Don't apologize, don't be rude. But Min Young Jae's attitude suddenly made Kim Yoora's heart unhealthy. Over time, Kim Yoora can get heart disease. It's not elite if she returns to the modern world, and suffers from heart disease due to being too close to Min Young Jae.

"No problem, just not good for the heart." Kim Yoora blurted out without realizing it.

"Not good for the heart? Should I take you to a healer?" Min Young Jae answered innocently.

And now it was Kim Yoora's turn to be dumbfounded, "Healer? What is a Physician? Food or what?"

Min Young Jae shook his head and explained, if the healer in question is a healer who likes to heal many people. Writing prescriptions for sick people, and examining sick people.

"Oh Doctor, yes." Kim Yoora exclaimed.

"Doctor?" Min Young Jae is repeatedly confused.

And now it's Kim Yoora's turn to explain, if the Doctor in question is exactly what Min Young Jae said. There is no difference, maybe today's doctors are called healers. And in modern times the healer is called a doctor. It turns out that living in the future only changes the name, without changing everything.

"Okay fine, now we have to go. I want to introduce you to someone." Min Young Jae said and pulled Kim Yoora's hand again.

Every now and then he pulled Kim Yoora's hand back, whose heart rate had just returned to normal. And now it was reacting quickly again, as if it wanted to fall out of place.

"Where are we going? We're far from my palace."

"Of course…."

Kim Yoora pulled her hand away, but this time Min Young Jae didn't let go. "You don't have any bad intentions with me, do you?"

Min Young Jae smiled a little, "There's a little." The temptation.

"Young Jae..." Kim Yoora whined and made Min Young Jae chuckle.

Forced and with fear, Kim Yoora followed Min Young Jae's footsteps. If only he did something bad, don't let Kim Yoora attack him like she attacked Kim Ye Jun, even though he was the commander in chief, Kim Yoora didn't care. The important thing is that she is safe from the clutches of bad people.

Walking in silence made them arrive at one of the most end houses. The house that has a brown door with the surname Min.

For some reason Kim Yoora thought that Min Young Jae had brought her home. Or maybe Min Young Jae's mother and father were in there waiting for their arrival.

"Come on in, they're already waiting for us."

Kim Yoora's heart beat fast again. She also looked at Min Young Jae pleading, lest she meet her mother-in-law in this state. But what can I do? Min Young Jae even pulled Kim Yoora's hand to enter immediately.

Knocked on the door of this house, until it opened and a servant of this house appeared. They just silently looked down, while Kim Yoora and Min Young Jae went straight inside.

And lo and behold, there was already one woman standing, pointing. It was as if she was pointing at many places and items that had to be neatly arranged.

"Eomma..." Min Young Jae called and made Kim Yoora gape.

So that woman is Eomma Min Young Jae. Kim Yoora thought.

The woman turned and smiled, then approached Min Young Jae. It's different when Kim Yoora sees it, she immediately gapes because Min Young Jae's mother is exactly like her mother in the modern world. Could it be that his mother had the wrong child? Want a boy but a girl who came out? That's why having children is never taken care of at all.

"Young Jae, you're home. You brat, why didn't you come home all night." Said the woman while pulling Min Young Jae's ear.

"Oh my gosh, Eomma, I'm at my future wife's house. And I'm taking her now." Min Young Jae whispered which Kim Yoora could still hear.

Kim Yoora's cheeks suddenly became hot, she reflexively covered her chubby cheeks with an expression that Min Young Jae and her mother thought was cute. They both laughed a little at Kim Yoora's behavior.

People in ancient times could make people awkward and float. Meanwhile, today's people usually come, make a mistake, and continue to disappear. It's like an invisible creature. Ghosting.

"Oo so this is the woman you often tell Eomma about." The woman pulled Kim Yoora's hand and examined her face as well as her simple clothes. Even a hairstyle that is only in a small bun, with cherry blossom decorations and leaving only a few strands. "What's your name?" her said to Kim Yoora.

And this time Kim Yoora was confused, whose name did she use Kim Yoora or Kim Hyo Ra? Don't let the daughter-in-law of Min Young Jae's mother be Kim Hyo Ra. While the one who is often together with Min Young Jae is Kim Yoora.

"Kim Hyo Ra. My name is Kim Hyo Ra." Said Kim Yoora finally.

-To Be Continued- 
