
Survival Exercise 6.

  "Are… Are the beasts gone?" Tessie stuttered when her eyes met with those of her crush.

Ever since she saw Blake beat Vlad with so much ease, she had been getting a tingling feeling in her heart anytime she saw him. The problem was that the aura Blake emitted any time he was in class always made those trying to approach him to reconsider their actions.

Also, she was rank 47 and she wasn't sure about how Blake would react when a low ranker approached him. That was why she was surprised that her prince charming came to save her in her time of need.

(AN: As you, all know their badges have many functions which include displaying the owner's rank on its surface. That was how the leader of the oppressors stated his team was stronger than there's.)

"Sorry love..." Blake said apologetically as he knocked out the girl. He felt like Jack the ripper instead of being her prince charming.
