
Chapter 383: Renewed Hatred

Mina scurried behind Cylus feeling like a child chasing after her older brother. Somehow, she had to convince the man to compare his DNA to hers or his parents. Mina could not bring herself to believe that her father had an unrelated replica running around the country just a three hours' drive away from where he had lived since he was a teen.

Mina had done the math, and Cylus was born shortly after his parents were married, which meant his mother was already carrying before she said her vows.

It also meant that Mina's mother had yet to marry and there was no telling what her father was doing while he was technically a bachelor. Mina knew from her parents own mouth, that her father did not even sleep in the same room as her mother until after they were legally wed.

"Is Jay okay?" Mina asked, noticing that her friend was nowhere to be seen.

"I sent her home with Director Porter. He is not an idiot. He won't overstep." Mina trusted Cylus' words. She then asked after Olivia. "She is waiting in my car." Mina's face contorted, fully aware that Cylus did not have two rows of seating in his vehicle.

"Where will I sit?" she asked, and Cylus looked at her with a remorseful expression.

"I had a car called for you," he said, and Mina felt her heart rate quicken. She could not blame him for wanting to see his cousin home himself, but she was afraid. "Nothing will happen to you," Cylus said, but Mina could not wipe the worry off her face. "I will wait with you until the car arrives."

Mina nodded, but she was internally panicking. From the way she was dressed to the way her makeup had been done, she felt like an easy target. No matter how she spun it, she could not see herself getting into a taxi. She thought about calling James, but the man would likely use the opportunity to follow her inside of her apartment looking for Emma.

Not wanting to cause trouble for anyone, Mina swallowed her pride and called the one person she knew would not try anything with her. Cylus was not happy about it, but he too did not want to put Mina inside of a hired car, even if the driver worked for his company.

"Hello," Zane said into the phone.

"Have you left yet?" Mina asked, "I need a ride." Zane hung up and Mina hung her head. It looked like she was out of options and would have to take the taxi, but before she slipped into a gloom, a familiar sports car pulled up.

Zane rolled down his window and beckoned for Mina to approach with the come-hither motion. She rolled her eyes and said goodnight to both Cylus and Olivia before entering his car.


Zane kept casting glances at Mina, her current expression was more relaxed than the fake expressions she showed during her conversation with Ian and Lisa. Mina looked beautiful, and it was hard for Zane to call her out, but he was having a feeling that she was planning to retaliate against his friend.

Not wanting to send the girl into a panic, Zane allowed her a small amount of silence before he pounced.

"You've got twenty seconds to tell me what's going on or I will out you." Mina narrowed her eyes.

"I'm just living day to day like every-"

"Strike one."

"I want to start over-"

"Strike two."

"I need as much money as I can get fast," Mina blurted out. It was a tiny part of the truth, but it was true.

"Why?" Zane asked. "I gave you an apartment, you make enough to cover utilities, and Olivia told me that Emma does most of the food shopping." Mina was shocked to hear that Zane even spoke to Olivia, but she would kick that up on another day.

"I still have parents." Zane narrowed his eyes at the woman, but she looked like she was being honest.

"And that's the truth?"

"Yes, after being kidnapped I realized that My time may be shorter than I assumed. I just want to have peace of mind." Zane continued to stare at Mina, and she politely reminded him to keep his eyes on the road.

"Mina, please don't do anything stupid. Things aren't what they seem." She nodded and laid her head back on the seat.

"You should be more concerned about Miss Lisa. She even hugged me today." Zane laughed at the perplexed expression on Mina's face.

"I thought you said you would start over."

"That doesn't mean I have to let my guard down. You know that bruise on my leg? I got that trying to protect her unborn child." Zane literally shouted in response and Mina covered her ears. "Stop shouting! President Lee said she lied, but I do not know for certain. After ten years of being in a relationship, accidents are bound to happen. I was an accidental pregnancy, and my parents were married."

"Who the hell told you they've been a couple for ten years?" Zane demanded.

"Miss Luna," Mina paused and thought for a second. "She lied, didn't she?"

"Ian and Lisa have a complicated relationship, but I can assure you that it's not what you have been told." Mina felt something pull at her chest, and she clutched at her breast.

"Are you okay?" Zane asked, he pulled over and removed Mina's safety belt. She was breathing heavily and likely on the verge of a panic attack.

"So, I'm not guilty?" She asked. Looking deeply into Zane's eyes for affirmation. She knew the man was aware of what happened between herself and President Lee, even if he never brought it up.

"No, you are not. Ian was single when-" Mina heaved; cutting Zane off. She fumbled with the car door and tumbled out when she finally got it open.

The whole time Mina was with the Lee's, she had been made to believe that she had ruined a good relationship, but she knew that she could not have been the cause. She had allowed Lisa to get away with so much because she felt guilty toward the woman, but now she felt a renewed hatred.

"Where are you going?" Zane shouted from behind Mina who had begun walking up the highway. She did not answer him, and he got back into his car to follow her for as long as she needed.

Zane knew that Mina held a certain amount of guilt toward Lisa, but he had no idea she was under the impression that she was the responsible party. He would have thought Ian would have explained it to her by now, but apparently, he did not; leaving Zane to wonder if his friend really wanted Mina or not.


Matthew pulled in front of Jay's familial home with a smile. The woman was absolutely livid that he had driven her back, and even more upset that he seemed to enjoy it. He had been trying to make her laugh the entire ride, but all it was doing was making her stew in anger, which Matthew found amusing.

"Thank you," Jay said sarcastically, jumping out of the car and rushing towards the front door, but she heard Matthew's footsteps behind her, and she turned to stop him. "What are you doing? What if my father sees you?"

"Then we explain things to him," Matthew said, but Jay felt like he was talking about something else altogether.
