
Every Action Has A Reason

Araqiel's POV

As we reach the airport, Fletcher stares at us, lifting his hands as if he needs something from us. We glance at each other, confused, asking if what he needs. He just sighs, lifting his passport, showing what he needs. 

"Passport," Fletcher says, waiting for us. 

"Ohh, passport. Wait for a second, I know it's right here." I say as I open my mini bag, grabbing our passports inside and giving it to him. 

"Here you go. It's all complete." I announce as he attains the passport. 

Then, he checks the passport before signing us to come with me. I frown when we walk a different path from the other passengers. 

"Why are we walking in a different direction? I thought we needed to be checked by the security guards before entering the plane." I ask. Fletcher turns around and stares at me with his brow furrows. 
