
Repair the Seventh Heaven!

"How's your arm?"

Akiol swung it about, it was finally released from the prison known as a cast. Gently flexing his muscles he answered, "It's going to need some careful rebuilding, but it's usable."

Yielya nodded, "Don't go doing that again, if you end up breaking the bones like that you could lose your arm."

"Yes ma'am!"

Rolling her eyes Yielya changed the subject, "How goes the training with those two?"

"They're ready, there's nothing else I could teach them. At this point they just need to get used to adapting. Though Torch's training room was really good. I almost considered using it myself. What about your little conflict with Dot?"

"It's become a major waiting game. I think he believes that I will back down soon. Surely he will recognize that the only one who lacks time is him."

"So you're just lazing about?"

"You wish, I've been growing accustomed to Holy Energy in my spare time. I can almost use it as proficiently as the Angels."

"If it isn't the prodigy."

"So once you're done training those two what's next?"

"I'm going to meet up with my sister. Apparently I'm not the only one linked with a Dragon."

"She is?"

"Yup, honestly I'm quite surprised. The trial to do that was not simple. To think she was capable of beating it as well."

"Ha! There's been a few people climbing in popularity. Have you seen the list?"


"Someone released a list of some upcoming and talented people. I've seen a few clips of their fights, they aren't simple."

"It seems more interesting people will come to the surface. I wonder what kind of people they are."

"Alright don't be saying it like that, you make it sound like some sort of open ending."



Travis grit his teeth, his time was being wasted! His plans were being pushed back due to this stubborn Priest! The biggest event of the game was soon! There was still several preparations he wanted to get done before then!

He had no other choice! His original plan was to wait it out, surely they would've gotten bored or impatient. Yet it seemed like they were enjoying a vacation. This left him with no other choice if he wanted to continue with his plans. He would have to bit the bullet.

Stopping at a particular location he leaned against the wall with a frown. This would be his second loss to Six Lights! This one beat him in a completely unexpected way. To think he would suffer such a loss!

A stream of light appeared and Yielya formed. Turning her head she spotted Travis and smiled playfully, "You ready to negotiate?"

"I'll give you the other half of the reward. It's one item from the Angel's White Vault. The items within there rank at the top."

"Hehe, you've really grown desperate hmm? Alright, deal."

"What?", Travis was astonished. He wasn't prepared for it to be that easy!

"I never really cared in the first place. I lied about not wanting to be taking a loss. If you had offered that in the beginning we could've been done with this already."

". . . Why?"

"You seemed like the kind who was very confident within themselves. So I figured I would play a little prank. All this time wasted was because of you! In your head you made this out to be some sort of competition, or a battle of kinds."

Travis' eyelid twitched, this whole time he was being played?!

Yielya pulled out the Staff and tossed it towards him. Lifting a hand he caught it with ease. Holding it within his hand he felt a complicated feeling, "That's really all?"

"Yup! Although I want to witness the Seventh Heaven be repaired."

Travis grit his teeth and stored the Staff, "Then let's get this over with."

"No need to be sour about it all!"


The two made their way to The Almighty One. As the doors open the six-winged Angel turned to face them, "Have you finally made a decision?"

Yielya nodded, "Yup! I will be having that reward of his after the Seventh Heaven is repaired."

The Almighty One raised an eyebrow and turned to Travis, "You agreed to this?"

". . . Yes."


Yielya interrupted, "Oh! I want to watch the Seventh Heaven be repaired."

"That is fine, for all the Angels will be present for such a monumental occasion. Now the Staff."

Travis handed over the Staff. It floated over into The Almighty One's hands. As her hand laid upon it a smile spread across her face, "Finally, after many centuries I will restore the Seventh Heaven. We shall not wait a moment later!"

She snapped her fingers and every single Angel—along with Travis and Yielya—were teleported to a specific area. Confusion rippled across the crowd, but soon enough they all realized where they were at. The Almighty One spread out her arms in a grand showcase. Her voice carried a tinge of excitement as she announced, "Followers of the Holy Codex! For far too long have we left the Seventh Heaven broken! I am happy to announce that the final piece has finally been obtained! I gathered you all here to bear witness to the day it was fully repaired!"

The world around them slowly changed, fragments of a strange realm seemed to appear. Like a broken piece of glass, they hovered within a black empty space. It was impossible to tell just what it was exactly, for it was far too broken.

The Staff hovered within the air and began to spin. Tendrils of white energy spread out and reached for the fragments, slowly bringing them closer. Silence was abundant as every Angel watched with their breaths held. Slowly each piece mended together, as if reversing time. Each piece began to be placed together one by one.

Just as more than half of the pieces were fused back together the Staff slammed into the ground, a burst of white energy spreading out like a shockwave. It was like a blanket was put over their head, preventing any form of sight for just a second!

As their vision returned the Angel's hearts stopped for just a moment!

Travis, due to the Eyes of Trinity, found his vision returning faster than theirs. As the realm was restored he found a figure of someone incredible familiar. As soon as he realized who they were he blurted, "Lumen?"
