
Reynold’s Job

Nimin closed his eyes for a moment. He felt an invisible pressure form on his shoulders that caused his body to flood with exhaustion.

The stress from managing a revolution was ridiculous, something he hadn't envisioned. He was just grateful that he didn't need to organize the members as well. Else he really would have collapsed.

Someone knocked on the door, snapping Nimin out of his daze. He rapidly adjusted his posture and brightened his expression, "Come in."

Para gently opened the door, "Hey. . . can we chat for a moment?"

"Yeah, no problem."

Nodding faintly Para closed the door behind her, "How's everything going?"

"Thanks to Akiol's friends we might be able to obtain some decent equipment. Truly I have a lot to thank those guys for.", Nimin sighed and leaned back into his chair.

"Anything that's troubling?"

"Not that I can think of, I'm decently certain I have handled everything."

"What about those NPCs that got wind of us?"

"Naturally I suspect them too, but we'll be fine even if we get jumped."

"Then what about you?"

"Hmm? What exactly do you mean?"

Leaning against the wall Para let her hair fall to cover her face, "I can see it you know. When you think no one is looking. You look so tired."

"I just need to get some more sleep, now that some of the major issues are taken care of my schedule should open up more!"

"That's not what I mean."

Nimin paused uncertainly, "I'm. . . not sure what you mean then."

"History has quite the amount of revolutions. Many that are recorded in history as brilliant. Lead by some of the best leaders the world has ever known."

"Is this some roundabout way of praising me?"

Ignoring the question Para continued, "However these are outnumbered by the unsuccessful ones. Failed revolutions rarely make it into the books unless it's to convey a message."

"I'm not gonna-"

"These revolutions are usually small in scale. But do you know what leads them to failure?"

"I could take a guess."

"Do so."

"The thing they oppose manages to win in the end?"

"Partially, but many fail at the head."

Para looked up and stared into Nimin's eyes, "Without a leader there would be no revolution."

"I know this, what are you getting at?"

"The final major thing that takes apart a revolution, is the collapse of the leader. Whether that's from assassination or they gave up because of the pressure. Constant responsibility becomes stressful, and stress will change someone. Whether it's good or bad."

With a knowing look Para began to leave for the door, "I'm not asking you to remain strong Nimin. I'm asking you to not take more than you can handle. There is a limit, we are all human."

Nimin did not reply, even as he watched Para leave the room. When it finally got quiet he felt his body limp. He stared at the ceiling, his thoughts drowning out everything else.

~ ~ ~

"Hah, I'm beginning to think we were dealt the short end of the stick for this job."

Reynold couldn't help but agree, despite their efforts they couldn't touch Dot!

Travis shook his head, "Step it up a bit! I'm sure experts of your caliber have Berserk Skills right?"

Reynold grew suspicious at the taunt, "As if you'll let us."

"I insist, you will be my next stepping stone."

"You're truly arrogant to no bounds!"

Travis felt the mana turn chaotic, he smiled faintly as he saw the group undergo subtle, yet powerful, changes. Due to the lack of visual changes Travis believed the Berserk Skills used were on the lower end of quality. Usually the stronger the Berserk Skill, the more drastic the changes to the user. 

'Uhm, while I have faith in your abilities. This might be a little too much.' -Abe

"That it might be."

'Yet you aren't moving, so?'

"Just watch."

The group had all used their Berserk Skills. Readjusting their grip they charged forth. Their attacks began to flow together causing afterimages to appear in their tracks. This forced Travis back, his sword constantly deflecting as many blows as possible. With the amount of overlapping afterimages he felt like he was being attacked by hundreds of people!

Even if that was a slight exaggeration, Travis experienced fights he was vastly outnumbered in before.

'Still, it will be hard for me to counter attack at this rate.'

Travis decided to gamble, he deliberately slowed his attack and provided an opening. One of the enemies took the opening in a heartbeat, and a wound formed at Travis' side.


Reynold watched as Dot stabbed his sword through one of his friends. He had a suspicion that the opening was bait, but due to their momentum they couldn't consider such options!

This was the biggest flaw in {Coursing Stream}! Much like the flow of water it can be lead astray. Reynold couldn't decide whether it was luck or by incredible deduction that Dot found it out. This weakness was not so easily taken advantage of after all.

Reynold's sight flickered to the party interface. He saw the HP of his friend plummet. Such damage was no doubt the result of a Critical Hit, but it didn't seem like any Skills were used! This momentary distraction created another opening. Dot did not let it past.

"Reynold!", shouted someone.

Reynold couldn't see who had called him, instead he felt a boot slam into his gut. Next he felt the wind rush around him as he glided across the floor.

'Even with my Berserk Skill he can still send me flying?!'

Recovering swiftly he landed onto his feet. Just as he was about to charge right back into battle, the sight he saw made him freeze. In just a brief moment Dot had managed to slaughter his team. Reynold stared blankly, unwilling to believe what had happened.

Dot casually pointed his sword upwards, "It ends the same way. Tell Raven Thread that they'll be meeting me soon."

A massive black ball made of abyssal energy formed and descended on Reynold. Gritting his teeth he gripped his dagger. Not yet! His mission wasn't complete just yet!

Using a rare teleport Skill he vanished outside of the range of the ball. Travis raised his eyebrow at this, "A life saving Skill? What a waste for you to use it here."

Reynold dashed forward, only to directly slam into Travis. Having used [Truth Twofold: Existence] to close the distance Travis gripped his wrist and lifted Reynold into the air. Staring at the expressionless mask Reynold grit his teeth, "You'll find your end eventually Dot!"

"I await the day."

Then Reynold's vision turned black.

. . .

Opening his eyes he stared at the ceiling. He had respawned in a designated area. Rolling his shoulders he glanced in his bag. Clicking his tongue he wanted to throw something, he lost his treasured dagger! He must've dropped it when his wrist was grabbed. What a loss!

A voice entered his ears, "So?"

The voice was playful and young, but held an air of authority. Reynold looked towards the voice and suppressed the urge to shiver, "It's as you said, not a chance."

A playful giggle could be heard, "Of course you didn't stand a chance! Dot isn't some average expert. I wouldn't doubt he could be ranked at the top globally. In fact he could even take number one~"

"I truly understand that now."

"Well that's neat and all, but more importantly did you complete the job?"

"Yes, the job request has been completed.", Reynold reached forward and swiped the air.

"Excellent, I'll send you payment."

"You're not going to double check the information?"

"If you lied to me you wouldn't make it far~"

The playful giggle was heard again, but this time it slowly faded away as the owner of the voice left.

Reynold sighed, "That girl gives me the creeps every time."
