
Don't blame this father for being ruthless

It is funny really that their sons had a fate with this girl that they could not really change and watching her small form grow weak each time she delayed taking mates.

Should he not be furious?

Should he, as her father, not regret?

Upon knowing of her arrival Hyoton Pingui had tried to return but so many obstacles stood in his way!

Until she is about to be taken away from him.

All of these thoughts swirled in the mind of the Pingui patriarch, the eyesore for a future son in law Hyoton Pingui looked at, this Urbo skinwalker has grown powerful, eying his most prized possession in front of him.

These young males simply did not know the hardship of a father, the dedication of a father.

A daughter is the giver of life; she would carry the young and birth the future generations of her lineage.

Unlike old earth, the value of a female is high.
