
Inter-school battle 5 (rather be a commoner)

"Young master, we have not located the student you had asked us to search for,"

Gregory Silas, eldest son to the hidden family of the empire and nephew to the empress continued to gently tap the handle of his chair.

It was not what he wanted to hear, inwardly he felt somewhat enraged but in the end, he kept his outward appearance calm. The boy who had approached and delivered the displeasing news trembled. He should, Gregory Silas thought.

Finding that student is like taking a wife. Though he was aware that his elder cousin, next in line to the throne will be her husband and he could only look on from the side.

He had no issue with that, his serpentine had demanded he swear fealty to her and he abided.

Even though he had been raised to serve the cousin, crown prince, secretly he knew that they could not co-exist peacefully simply because he did not see him as a master.
