It would mean nothing right now, for me to lash out at her even though I wished to.
I did not though my mind was still clear, also looking down at this girl I could not help but be disgusted. Even so, if I did give in to my own whims would that not make me stoop down to the level of a sheep?
A masculine voice spoke up from my side,
"So I had been correct in my judgement in ruthlessly kicking you from the ring."
Pulling me from my thoughts of which; had been in the process of contemplating what I would need to do for me to escape this predicament without tarnishing my reputation to an irreparable extent.
Well, further, I had been known to be violent and uncaring about the emotions of others.
Yet for a superior species why should I consider the species beneath me?
A trembling voice entered my ears, my skin felt strange, the urge to beat her up suddenly entered my mind.
"Student Fuji?"