
Silver Lining

Even with the pain of the head ache, I started getting weird emotions. Feelings of fear, bitterness, sadness, and hatred. I tried to calm myself down, by taking breaths and covering my ears all the way home as they fought with each other.

Getting out of the van, I decided to walked arround the yard for a little, trudging through the grass. I really liked the mid shin high grass. Finding a section that was the tallest, I had laid down in it happily. Honestly, it felt like a fairytale story, the whole time I was there buried by it. Listening to the world arround me, as the wind made a swishing noise with leaves and grass, along with the Sounds of chirping cardinals. Now as the clouds started to chase the wind, I began feeling the hot summer sun on my pale olive skin. My headache finally subsided, even though I was still very emotional.

I sat up, startled by the sound of a small animal jumping. I listened for it intensely, I scanned the area arround me. Suddenly, I spot the grass shaking. Just as I was about to move the grass, out jumped this tiny black kitten at me. I scooped up the little ball of fluff. Starting to pet it and giving it so much attention I feel myself growing really attached. It was so dark that it blended in with my hair perfectly and purred very loudly for something so teeny tiny. "Little fur Bean, I want you to live with me", I happily sang to the kitten.

Placing a brave face on, I decided to take the kitten into the house and ask my parents about keeping it. Both of them looked at me like I was stupid for a while before unwilling agreeing. I jumped for joy while the kitten purred, and clang onto me with her little claws. Looking into her little face with glowing orange eyes, I asked her, "what is a good name for you"? James said, "you could name her Midnight". Mom said, "you could name it Shadow" and Dad said, "why not Smokey". I smiled and yelled, "I got it! I'll call her Bean Toes! She has cute little pink beany toes in her black fur". James and Louis started laughing at me. Mom said, "really"? I simply smiled and nodded. Lynn told me, "it's perfect, Bean Toes it is".

We got all the cat supplies, and set up everything. After dinner had ended, Lynn took the kitten to bed with us. As Bean played on the nightstand her black hair had a glow of light almost as if she had a silver lining. She filled me full of happiness, like a silver lining in my twisted life. Lynn made me take my medicine, hugged me, and turned the lamp off for the night. I whispered, "Goodnight Lynn, Goodnight my little Bean Toes". Feeling little Bean jump on my bed, she laid down, and purred so loud it was the only thing I could hear. I giggled listening to her, and then went to sleep with a smile.
