
The predator and the prey Part2

Rustle Rustle Rustle Rustle

Tang Yue weaved through the shrubs and bushes of the forest and speedily headed towards the northeastern marshlands.

She decided to start with an easy task first and hence headed to the marshy murky parts of the vast deciduous forest.

"Hmm… I need about five of these fatsos." 

The blue snake hid behind a tree and locked her emerald eyes on the target of interest, a cluster of plump and lazy salamanders.

Since she was familiar with them, she wanted to start here and warm up her body for combat.

There were quite a few different varieties of salamanders happily lazing around the swamp shores.

They were not even bothering to hide in the abundant patches of tall grasses.

There were a few spiny green salamanders. There were a few dark red ones.

Some were pitch black in color and some were even a shade of smooth and shiny baby pink with big round eyes, looking a little bit cute albeit deadly.
