
Ten Thousand

Rean didn't return to the Dimensional Realm for the entire week after that. After all, both Celis and Eliana's group wanted to skin him alive after they resolved their misunderstanding.

As the twins traveled between cities, they stopped here and there to go out recruiting people. Of course, they also took caution so that they wouldn't get involved in anything complicated. Sure, Destiny Avoidance Mode was activated, but it wasn't perfect. 

Little by little, the Dimensional Realm started to fill up with people... well, not that much. Not considering the first city, Rean and Roan usually didn't recruit any more than four or five people in every city they stopped to look. Of course, the reason was simple. They wanted as much diversity as possible. 

The only exceptions were races that had special needs. For example, the Cosgles Race. They need a constant supply of Earth Element to survive, so the twins obviously wouldn't take people from their race.
