
A Walk in the Town

Since they had they evening for themselves, Ezekiel decided he would take another walk around the town. He quickly put on some more clothes before walking out. It was fresh but still pleasant outside. Not that it would matter with his condition. He could walk around naked and the temperature wouldn't bother him. It wouldn't be a very angelic thing to do though.

Earlier he just gave it a quick lookover to see the bigger factions present. He had gotten the basic information from Michael. The two heiresses from the house of Gremory and Sitri were "ruling" this city. Just thinking of that one fact brought a weird expression onto his face. Their definition of ruling seemed to include not to know who exactly was actually present. A ton of stray devils, stray exorcists and not so loyal fallen angels. Together with them lived some interesting individuals and quite a lot magicians in the town.

He wouldn't be surprised if It was actually one of the most dangerous towns at the moment. Before he arrived that is.

While walking he suddenly heard some screams from one of the houses and decided to check the situation. He quickly cast a simple spell to mask his presence and walked around toward the closest window. When he could help a woman in need, he would of course do so.

What he saw nearly made him choke on air. Inside the living room was a bald and overweight man in his underwear screaming obviously aroused. Behind him stood a young woman with long black hair, dressed in a skimpy leather outfit and a whip in her hand. Considering the look on her face, she seemed to enjoy it just as much as her client. He obviously noticed her being a devil, not that it made him forget that view any faster.

"Excuse me, it seems I came to the wrong neighbourhood." Ezekiel mumbled to no one in particular and left again.

That was not what he expected. Especially since the voice did not sound like a middle-aged man.

He began to walk around and tried to enjoy the surroundings to forget his recent discoveries. The people of Kuoh clearly valued a clear town and it was obvious that many families tried hard to make their garden look presentable.

After a while he saw the same devil from earlier pushing his bicycle and talking about the unfairness that he couldn't use magic to go to his contracts. As Ezekiel began to listen in, the self-talk began to devolve to him talking about the breasts of his club president.

Ezekiel's brow no began to heavily twitch. Nonetheless he followed the spiky haired male for a little longer. His journey soon came to an end when he arrived at a beautifully decorated house. After ringing and waiting for a moment, the door opened. Now in clear few stood a man the size and stature of Vasco Strada. If not for his unique choice of clothes he would have mistaken them for brothers. The man quickly pulled the young devil inside.

"I didn't see anything." Ezekiel mumbled again, before he began to put his hands into position for a prayer. Why would he pray? Of course, that Michael could share his burden.

"Honestly, what Is wrong with this town. I bet even a nun would become weird after living here for a while." He joked and continued further through the town.

He saw many things while walking. Another devil was training with a wooden sword in the park. One devil even seemed to still be in the school and working in the evening. She probably didn't really have anything better to do. Actually, Ezekiel would praise her if compared to some other things he saw earlier.

As he walked, he somehow ended up in the more expensive part of Kuoh.

"Until next week, babe!" called out a man in his mid-twenties that saw off a busty woman with a short skirt. The man was standing in his doorstep, only wearing a bathrobe and had a cigar in his mouth. His hair was black with golden bangs and a black goatee. The woman just smiled and waved back while walking to her car.

As if feeling his gaze, the man turned toward Ezekiel and looked at him for a moment before nodding. Ezekiel returned the gesture before breaking eye-contact and walking out of sight.

The man had the feeling that the young man looked somewhat familiar. After thinking for a moment and not coming up with anything he just shrugged his shoulders and walked back in.

Ezekiel meanwhile thought about his encounter just a moment ago. He obviously knew who the man was. Uriel showed him a ton of pictures of important people of the supernatural world. With his activities mostly outside of the Vatican and Heaven, it would prove useful to know a lot important faces. It was good that Ezekiel became very proficient in his aura manipulation. At the moment he wouldn't look like anything else than a normal human man with some unique features.

Azazel was definitely somebody he wouldn't underestimate. Not because of his personal strength, but he is regarded as one of the smartest minds in the supernatural world. He would probably achieve good in the ranking of the 10 smartest beings.

"Now what is the Governor doing here. I should keep it in the back of my mind and relay the information back to heaven." Ezekiel thought to himself, while walking back to his apartment. He was sure it was better to just go to sleep after his walk. He just hoped he wouldn't dream anything tonight.


In another part of Kuoh was a homely little house. The garden in contrast was many times bigger and if one concentrated, one would be able to spot many little animals running around.

Inside the house was only a beautiful young woman with white hair reaching just above her bottom. She gave off an innocent charm but didn't look naïve. Her body was very developed for a young woman, but it suited her nonetheless. All in all, she looked very attractive.

Right now, she was preparing her clothes for the next day. The clothes were the female version of Kuoh's academy.

"Why did mother send me to attend a human school in Japan? Didn't she say I should learn of the world and make new experiences? All that happens here is young devils playing adults." She ranted a little, not understanding why she wasn't allowed to jut travel herself. But she wouldn't complain to much. She learned of her mistakes from six years ago and decided to trust her mother's decision.

"Haah, it doensn't really matter. Another year of school won't hurt I guess." She sighed before wandering toward the bathroom.


Meanwhile in heaven Michael was sitting together with two of his siblings.

"Brother, why do you look so bothered?" Gabriel asked. After knowing each other for 10.000 years, you would easily pick up the tiniest details of each other.

Michael didn't know how to respond, so he looked over to Uriel. Uriel just turned his head away. His stance was clear, it was his own problem to deal with.

He could only sigh at his brother's antics, not that he couldn't understand him. Ezekiel really became monstrous and he was one of the angels that were more expressive toward their desires and emotions. If it weren't for his unique heritage, it would have been a fine line to walk.

"I was contacted some months ago if it would be possible to meet Ezekiel. I don't know how that person knew about him, but it seems we didn't manage to keep his existence completely secret. Not that it matters anymore, since he became even stronger than I anticipated and the person that contacted me promised not to reveal anything herself." Michael explained, hoping to avoid further questioning.

That was not something Gabriel expected. She was very protective of her nephew and unexpectedly narrowed her eyes at her brother.

"Who was it that contacted you?" She asked.

"Fine, just promise me, that you wouldn't make a big deal of it and keep it a secret from Ezekiel." Michael was grasping at straws. He didn't want another spar with Ezekiel. The one a year ago was enough for a lifetime.

Gabriel looked weird at him. Why did he have to sweat all of a sudden? If they could hear her thoughts, Michael and Uriel would curse her sideways. She was probably the only one of the seraphs that Ezekiel had a soft spot for and didn't abuse for his training.

"It was Demeter. Don't ask me why she asked, but she assured me it wasn't anything serious. You know her, she is one of the few Greek gods I would say one could actually trust blindly." Michael revealed.

"If it was her, it was fine, I guess. But still, why would she ask of Ezekiel. And how did she learn about him?" Gabriel replied while looking puzzled.

Michael and Uriel could only shrug their shoulders, not knowing the answer themselves.

Hi there!

Managed to make one more.

A little different chapter than usual.

Image of the white-haired woman: https://www.pinterest.de/pin/492088696766445295/

The image is titled "Demeter" but the white-haired woman in the story isn't the Demeter Michael was talking about. Sounds confusing, but that's how I found the image. Just imagine normal clothes. I guess you can make the connection between the woman and Demeter yourself. :P

Tardigradacreators' thoughts