
[Chapter 235] Plan

Baphomet's hand clenches the lifeless amulet as he looks across the remaining 6 sins. Lust has a few tears coming from her face as the others maintain a flat expression. Lust had been closest to Pride as they were siblings, unlike the rest of the demons here. So her reaction is only natural to hear about her brother's death. The rest only saw him as another rival for power.

Baphomet had traveled across hell for years, looking for the sins, so most of these sins aren't genetically related. Baphomet remembers his journey, looking for each one…and now he has to look for a new pride! If only he had gone as instead of making Pride go…then he could of resolved this matter with no issues. His hand slams on the throne as the gold and rock shatter. He angrily looks over at his servant, "Find where that portal went now! I need to make a call..."

The servant hurriedly nods before she runs from the room, immediately getting to work. Before anyone can react, a scroll is in Baphomet's hands, radiating a red glow as he rolls it open.

This is one of Baphomet's less violent abilities, the ability to create magical talismans and scrolls from nothing. It's probably one of the few abilities he has that isn't for fighting alone. A few moments later, the scroll disintegrates as the ceiling glows red, creating the feeling of a new presence in the room. A second later, a voice echoes inside the hall.

"What reason do you have to call me Baphomet?" The voice sounds playful and light, like a young child's.

Baphomet clears his throat before speaking, "You owe me for the time I got you off that planet you got stranded on, remember Sol?"

Silence echoes for a few moments before she speaks again, "Oh yeah….so what do you need?"

Not all gods have transportation abilities, Sol being one of them. Sol so happens to be one of the gods that can track death, she is a god of revenge and happiness. So finding this out should be easy for her as it includes a gods revenge!

"My son Pride was murdered by someone on a backwards planet. Can you find out who it is?" He asks in a sincere voice as he struggles to stay calm.

She immediately responds, "Of course I can! Expect to see it within your throne room in a few minutes."

The glow from the ceiling disappears, the unfamiliar presence disappearing with it.

Baphomet looks back at the sins as hatred appears on his face, "We are going to catch them! Torture them! Make them beg for mercy! No…that isn't enough! We should force them to watch their entire family being tortured!"

The sins glance at each other but say nothing, knowing when they should speak. The room darkens as a large white flame bursts to life in the middle of the room.

Inside the flames appears a 6ft man. He is covered with purple scales, has purple hair, pointed ears, and a muscular figure. His face is smooth yet has a chiseled appearance to it. He radiates a serious tone as he stands within the flames.

Baphomet's eyes glow as he glares at the hologram, "So this is the man that killed pride! Seems to have some resolve, but that can be broken!"

The horns on Baphomet's head turn obsidian black as his eyes glow blue, his voice dropping like an abyss, "We will make him feel pain!"

But everything turns back to normal in moments, "But I first need to find out who his family is. So for now, it's the waiting game. Sins, you will be staying here for the time being, go to your rooms. I will call you when it is time to capture him and his family, now leave me."

The sins bow before leaving the throne room, even if their unhappy, their father's word is law. As the last sin leaves the hall, the massive doors shut with a boom. Baphomet looks to his right as another servant appears, "The second we find out where that portal led to, you're going to trail him, but make sure he can't spot you. We don't know his abilities exactly." The servant nods, "Yes master Baphomet." And walks away, leaving the demon king alone in his throne room.

Baphomet stares daggers at the flames as he speaks to himself, "It doesn't matter how long it takes, or how many demons I must send, I will track you down and make you pay."

Kurayami stares at the man before him, who just swallowed his robotic vocal cord unit, letting him speak again. The man stares at Kurayami with fear on his face, "What do you mean my kingdom is going to be destroyed?"

I don't hesitate as he speaks, "I mean I am going to destroy it, flatten it, erase it, whatever term you like."

The man freezes as he yells, "But I have family there! I have a son and daughter! And what do you mean by a teacher?!"

I shake my head, "I will let you bring them with you. I am the king of a kingdom and am currently building a school. I need a teacher who can teach students how to fight with blades and I don't know anyone who can besides myself. Hence I am giving you the choice of starting your new life at my kingdom, or dying and leaving everything behind."

The general grinds his teeth together as he already knows what answer he must give, "Fine, I'll teach at your school. Just please don't hurt my children, they are good kids."

I nod as I break the chains on his body, "Don't worry, your going to get them yourself. I may seem cruel, but I am sensible."

He looks down at his hands and legs before slowly standing up. I glance at his mount before using 'Shadow Recreation' on it.



"Resurrection of level 3 shadow soldier successful!"


The body of the massive alligator jolts as a ghostly howl escapes into the air. A massive head exploded from the corpse before its limbs slowly drag its shadowy body out. The general watches in horror as his mount has become a black beast, the purple eyes staring at him with confusion.

Over five years of resurrecting shadows, he has noticed that the level corresponds to its rank. Level 1= D rank, level 2= C rank, level 3= B rank, level 4= A rank, level 5= S rank, and level 6= World Class or Continental Class.

Kurayami's mind wanders as the alligator continues to stare at him, awaiting an order, 'So I have seen 1-6…is there 7?'

[I wasn’t all here when writing this, please let me know if anything seems odd or off.] Thanks for reading!

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