
[Chapter 163] Shocking Dragons

I read over the paragraph out loud, "Obsidian's legend is rare and has only occurred three times during history, each time growing in strength. This no magic is said to be an almost equal match in power as the Elephant Divine Beast's affinity."

The father Dragonborn tilts his head confused, "What's a divine beast?"

I facepalm as I remember they don't know what that is. I pull out my rune stone quickly as I wave my hand, causing the book to disappear. It rings for a few moments before Dreag answers, "Hello?"

I immediately begin speaking, not beating around the bush. "Dreag, I need you to come out here and show them your Divine Beast form. I don't trust that tabaxi and people would think that I was just using a god like ability, so I need you to come out here."

He falls silent for a moment before answering, his voice firm, but curious. "Alright, but why do you need a Divine Beast?"

I smile wryly as my teeth gleam in the light, "What if I told you that I might of found you a new student-"

The call is closed abruptly as I hear my door slam violently against the wall, heavy footsteps following afterwards. My smile widens as I glance behind me, seeing the orc bolting full speed towards me. His figure is unseeable to most while he is a blur to some, but for me, I can see his face clearly. One of full determination as a fire burns in his eyes.

'I know who to choose for my healing and no magic spells teacher.' I think as I see his face, his excitement almost tangible.

Seconds later, he is by my side as he immediately notices the kid. He looks towards me and towards the crowd as he asks, "So is this the kid you were telling me about?"

I nod while I inwardly yell in shock, 'Talked about?! I only said a new student!'

I wave at the open clearing as I ask, "Would you be willing to show them? And please try not to hurt the flowers."

He nods as he walks towards a large clearing with some destroyed terrain, causing me to remember the scene of my first Continent Class Shadow Soldier. Suddenly, a curiosity sprouts in my mind.

'Speaking of Continents, I wonder if there are any others in this place. It was formed by my thoughts but it has already shown to differ from them to an extreme. So there could possibly be other continents...add it to the procrastination pile.'

I have procrastinated so much that it has turned into a pile, I still have to deal with that mercenary organization that attacked me five years ago, I have to evolve my mana core, learn magic, learn enchanting, explore this world, explore the Hell like world, and explore my home world. But to explore the hell world, I need to finish the reaper mech, which requires me to learn enchanting, which requires me to learn magic, which requires me to go back to the other world. On top of all this, I need to get Hana started so I can ensure it's protection and growth while I am gone.

The list continues to grow and I can only handle so many things at once. I sigh in defeat, 'And there is probably more I am forgetting.'

I shake my head as I bring myself back fro reality, 'Focus on the current situation.'

I turn around as I look at where Dreag is standing, one of the only few open areas in this plain of flowers. I suddenly hear a yawn in my ears as I feel a numbness in my hand. I gently lift it up as my skin splits open, only to hear a yelling in my ears again.

"Ow! You could of at least warned me that we were outside..." she trails off in a sad and pained tone. I quickly cover the opening with my other hand, blocking out the sunlight as she pops her azure head out again.

'Parasitic bond.' I immediately activate the ability so I can talk to her.

'Sorry about that, you left my body too quickly to warn you.' I apologize as I continue to watch Dreag, who is now crouched down on the ground, his skin starting to shine.

I feel her jump slightly as her claws grip onto my hand, clearly not used to telepathy or anything of the sort. "That ability of still scares me. Anyway, what has happened and where are we?"

I smile at Sky's question, 'I have many abilities, one of them is a form of teleportation. We're about to watch my teacher transform.'

Her eyes go wide as she looks around, immediately noticing the growing form of Dreag as his body turns into a malleable silver liquid. His body expands in size as his legs bend into a more catlike form, a tail growing from his rear. His eyes glow yellow as a snout forms, his hands now led as talon like claws grow from them. He looks around the large plain before looking down at the massive tent city, the crowd in awe.

Some girls scream while some guys nervously watch the unknown creature, a large group fleeing for the exit which is...definitely too far for them to reach in a heatwave like this.

Sky watches in awe as she asks, "Can all of you do this?"

I shake my head, 'Many in this place can, but not to his extent, only me and several others can from my knowledge.'

Her eyes go even wider as she asks in shock, "You can do that too?!"

I smile at her child like persona, innocent and tiny. 'Yep, but I'm even stronger than him. I could probably fight him without fully transforming if I tried.'

"Wooooow." She says in awe as she gazes up at the metallic panther, it's surface reflecting the sun and heat of the sunny day.

I hear a Dragonborn behind me stutter, "Is...is he a god? Is he like what they say you are? Are you two truly gods?"

I turn around as I cover Sky with my hand, causing her to feel confused. "Who turned out the lights?" A smile forms on my face as I look at the blue dragonborn, recognizing the father's voice instantly.

"He isn't a god no, but I can be considered this world's god."

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