
Never Been... Until Today

[Johan's POV]

Johan stared at the high-rise building in awe. He had never stood before a skyscraper this close. Olongapo City didn't have them.

Checking his phone once again to verify the address, Johan confirmed it was the correct building. He got lost plenty of times finding the street because the digital map kept giving him weird pathways. A day wouldn't be enough to get used to navigating a mega city.

Johan walked up the stairs leading to a double glass door guarded by security. They checked his bag and scanned his body with a metal detector security wand. It beeped at his groin area, but the security guard passed it off as the belt's buckle and granted him entry, unaware of the swiss army knife he tucked properly inside his brief. Then they handed back his bag without any problem. Good thing he didn't follow Russell's advice to bring a gun. He didn't need one, anyway.
