
A Piece Of Cake

[Johan's POV]

"What's wrong with you?"

With an icing-coated fork stuck to his mouth, Adrian turned to him with raised eyebrows and a goofy smile. He had the rounded mango cheese cake balanced with one hand in front of him while he leaned against the bridge's concrete guardrail. "What? I'm not doing anything, Han."

Johan only gave Adrian a stupefied look. The blond had his ankles crossed like a magazine model in a picturesque suburban background. Even the soft glow from the incandescent bulb highlighted Adrian's angelic looks. Johan could only slap a hand to his reddened face. It's a crime for this man to exist in the same space as him.

"You okay, Han?"

"No—I mean, don't move. Stay like that," Johan said and fetched his smartphone. He opened the camera function, then snapped a portrait shot of Adrian. "D-Don't look at the camera. Pretend that I'm not here and look somewhere else."
