
Name Of Endearment

[Adrian's POV]

Adrian gripped the yellow sponge as the conversation continued in the dining room. The ceramic plate almost slipped from his hand when Johan straightened out the strip club issue by revealing he went to a gay club instead, his heart almost leaping out of his throat at the next question that followed.

"Is my son... Gay? Or maybe Bi?"

Adrian abandoned the dishes to peek out of the kitchen, catching the shake of Johan's head as he fabricated the truth about his sexuality with, well, another form of truth. It was true he didn't go inside, and the only reason he rushed out to the gay club was because he assumed Johan was in danger. Christy made it sound like he's being abducted or something.

Their mother seemed convinced enough with the explanation since she backed away from interrogating Johan further. However, the way his older brother bobbed his head and grinned like a maniacal villain worried Adrian. 
