
Synchronized Beats

[Johan's POV]

"Congratulations, you two!"

Johan had never found his cousin's giggly voice annoying to hear until tonight. "W-why are you congratulating us? It's not like we're already an official couple."

Adrian, who sat beside him on the leather sofa, pouted. "We're not?"

"Three-month rule, Adrian."

Looking away, Adrian grumbled under his breath. "Three-month rule while still fuck—"

Johan's hand flew to Adrian's mouth before he could finish the damn sentence. Despite the cold air blasting from the air-conditioner, his cheeks heated as Sean's face on his laptop's monitor split even wider into an ample grin.

"I don't think the three-month rule will apply to both of you, Couz," Sean said through fits of uncontrollable giggles. Was he that happy? Why's his cousin being annoying?
