
Chapter 243: The Breakout

Liam and I were casing the steps of the home when I spotted someone I recognized. Angela emerged from the building and registered my presence at the same moment, a huge smile taking over her face as she hurried to Minnie.

"Syd!" She leaning in my hastily opened window and hugged me. "How sweet of you to come to see Alison again so soon. They are just getting her settled, but you should be able to go in shortly."

Oh, crap. Al was here?

My smile must have looked pathetic, but she seemed to accept it at face value. "Did she make the trip okay?"

Angela's smile was much better than mine. "She did, thank you, Syd. Are you a friend of my daughter's?" She held out her hand to Liam across me. He shook it with great grace.

"She's a wonderful person," he said. "I hear you both love my mom."

A quick chat about Sonja's hairdressing skills and his acceptance was sealed.
