
Chapter 100: Ex-Boyfriend Blues

Mrs. Hammond seemed very disappointed when I left. I took a few cookies out of pity and thanked her. That made her feel a little better, I think.

Now if only I could find a way to cheer myself up.

I'd screwed up. Now not only did Mia know there would be no reconciling between me and Benjamin, she also understood there was something about me that called to her. Unlike Brad, the latent talent, hers had been active once. And now it was breaking free, it would do anything it could to finish the job.

Mom was going to kill me.

The sun felt very warm as I plodded down the front steps on my way home. It was so cheery and bright I almost snarled at the sky. It was like my own little cloud of gray followed me everywhere and the sun was intruding on that.

Not in the best of moods to have a conversation with anyone.

Naturally, Brad chose that moment to approach.

"Hi, Syd." His smile was like the sun. Offensive somehow.

I grunted back.
