
Chapter 274: Veneers

I stood in Femke's office not sure if I should be proud or furious to find her back at her desk. Less than twenty-four hours had passed since I'd kidnapped her. Certainly not long enough for her to have even processed what happened let alone recovered enough to return to work. And yet, here she was, smiling at me with a strained, tight expression that told me she knew I wasn't going to be happy with her but she had a job to do.

Okay then. That at least I understood.

Mom had joined me, standing quietly and a little less judging at my side, though I could feel her quiver of denial as our hands brushed against each other. I had intended to come to Hong Kong this afternoon, to give the WPC leader at least a day to catch her breath after freeing her from Konstantin, but she beat me to it.
