
Chapter 49: The Faithful

I followed them out of the alley, Reena leading, her long, black dreads tinkling with tiny silver beads woven through them, the tight black corset she wore studded with more sparkle. I was familiar enough with Demoniconian attire to call her apparel low key and despite the fact it didn't qualify as such here on my plane, at least Hong Kong seemed about as nonjudgmental as any place could be. I'd seen enough odd and revealing attire not to bat an eye as two girls passed, dressed in cat costumes with skirts so short their tall stockings-with eyes and ears at the tops-barely covered their skin.

"Who were they?" I aimed that question at the short, slim but muscular demon in human form who strode on like she owned the city, barreling her way through the crowd who parted for her like she intimidated them. Well, she intimidated me, so fair enough.
