
Chapter 234: Typical Robert

"Fanny." Yeah, because that nickname was ever funny and hadn't gotten old decades ago. He really needed to come up with some new material to impress me these days. Arse.

I eye rolled despite myself. "I'm a bit busy, Robert," I said, just keeping my temper in check as Petunia wagged her little tail and looked up at him with the kind of gentle eagerness she reserved for every single person who might or might not offer her food. She wasn't exactly a discerning creature. He ignored her, instead choosing to loom over me-or try to as I straightened up to my full height and challenged his few superior inches with confidence and a particularly prickly need to show him who was boss. Sure, maybe I shouldn't have let him get to me, but honestly, his continuing existence was the sort of irritating thorny bramble that made my particular rose garden lose points for quality.
