
Chapter 139: Agatha Abercrombie (1872-1944 CE)

The Witch

Agatha Abercrombie was born early Christmas morning 1872 in the tiny magus village of Loch Laiden, Scotland. As had so many other young witches and wizards before her, she started attending our The Isle of Skye School of Magick at age 11. An excellent student, Agatha showed a special aptitude with magical tools and majored in Amulets, Charms, Talismans, and Wands. Upon graduation with distinction, she was apprenticed in London to the noted master wand maker, Reginald Caduceus. After only five years, she was advanced to Journeyman wand maker and went on to become employed at the Inverness Wand Shoppe in 1896 where she remained until she retired in 1932.
