
Chapter 116: Circe (ca. 1200 - ca. 1150 BCE)

The Witch

The famous Greek witch, Circe[18] lived from 1206 to 1168 BCE. She was a ravishing beauty who poisoned her husband, the prince of Colchis. As punishment, she was banished to the solitary island of Aeaea. Having a vast knowledge of herbs and potions, she specialized in spells transfiguring her enemies and those who offended her into animals that were unnaturally tame, even when transformed into lions. She was also highly skilled in divination and necromancy. She was a temptress and being lonely on her small island, she convinced Odysseus (the Greek hero who also known as Ulysses) into staying with her for a year on his way home from the Trojan War.

Circe's Wand

Circe primarily used a 13 inch wand with a sliver of land hydra claw in its core, a walnut handle and a blackthorn shaft, an end cap with a cabochon of black moonstone set in iron, and a tiny cabochon of obsidian at its tip.

Circe's Wand
