
Chapter 107: Gold Wands

A gold wand includes some gold, typically in the form of either one or more rings around the handle or as settings for compatible mystic crystals.


Discovered in antiquity, gold is an actual physical element. Gold is quite dense, soft, malleable, and ductile when relatively pure. The color gold is named after the metal. Gold is very valuable so that wands including gold are typically either expensive or contain only small amounts of gold. It will not tarnish and is a good conductor of electricity and heat.

Mystical Properties and Uses

Gold has the following mystical properties:

Gold Elemental, Phase, and Genders

The alchemical symbol of gold is a circle with a dot in the middle, the symbol for the Sun.

Alchemical Symbol for Gold


Gold has the elemental Fire, both because of its yellow color and its ability to conduct energy (e.g., heat and electricity). Gold wands therefore tend to be best at focusing fire spells from the following spell sets:
