
Chapter 98: Rose Quartz Wands

Rose quartz wands contain one or more rose quartzes: a large one for the wand's end cap, a small one at the wand's tip, or small ones along the wand's length.

Rose Quartz

Rose quartz is made from silicon dioxide and is an abundant mineral in the Earth's crust. The following mystical crystals commonly used in wand making are all different varieties of quartz: rock crystal (clear), amethyst (purple), citrine (yellow to brown), and rose quartz (pink).

Mystical Properties and Uses

Called the Bohemian ruby, the heart stone, the love stone, and pink quartz, rose quartz has the following mystical properties:


Rose quartz has the elemental Fire as implied by its reddish hue. Rose quartz wands are excellent at focusing fire spells from the following spell sets:

Control Fire - Rose quartz wands excel at casting spells that create, control, or extinguish fires, control temperatures, or cause burns or explosions.
