
Chapter 77: Sycamore Wands

A sycamore wand is any wand that is crafted out of wood from a sycamore tree. More specifically, a sycamore wand is any wand that has a sycamore shaft, a sycamore handle, or both.

Sycamore Trees

Sycamore (Platanus occidentalis) is a North American deciduous hardwood tree that is abundant is cool moist soils, where it can often be found growing along rivers, streams, and lakes. Sycamores typically grow from 100 to 130 foot high with trunks from five to 6 ½ foot in diameter. The largest sycamore tree has been measure at 167 foot high and 13 feet in diameter.

Sycamore trees are most easily identified due to their unusual bark, which flakes off in large, irregularly-shaped, reddish-brown patches that leave the surface a mottled greenish-white and gray. This unusual characteristic is due to the fact that the bark will not stretch as the underlying tree grows.
