
Chapter 39: Incubus and Succubus Wands

An incubus or succubus wand is any wand that has a hair of an incubus or succubus in its core.

Incubi and Succubi

Incubus and Succubus

Incubi and succubi (Spiritus nocturne) are powerful and dangerous nocturnal magical beings who feed off the fears of their sleeping victims. An incubus is an evil male spirit who rapes sleeping women, whereas a succubus is an evil female spirit who lies on and mates with sleeping men. Although actually hideous, incubi and succubi initially appear extremely handsome and beautiful to their victims. However, a visit by one always ends with terrifying sexual nightmares. Repeated visits will cause the victim's health to fail and may even eventually lead to death if not prevented by appropriate protective spells and talismans.
